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Waking up the next morning, the whole house was quiet. It was nothing unusual, most mornings both my parents were gone before I even woke up, but today it felt especially quiet. I knew it wasn't really so much the quiet from the house that was bothering me, it was more the quiet from Josh.

            Before I'd been fully awake, I'd grabbed for my phone, expecting the usual slew of early morning messages from Josh. Of course, there were none and that knowledge had me blinking back a fresh wave of tears, as if the ones I'd shed when I'd gotten home hadn't been enough. He wasn't going to text me, wasn't going to call me, and he wasn't going to see me and that made me heartbroken.

            I shoved my feet into my favourite slippers and decided to make my way downstairs, it was ironic that now that I was officially ungrounded and could use my car, I had nowhere to go. No more meals out, no more shared workouts, or walks around town. No more Josh.

            Feeling myself getting more and more upset I decided to stop dwelling on those thoughts, vowing to myself to keep any thoughts of Josh and what I couldn't change off my mind. Instead, I focused on something I had power over, my caffeine intake. I threw some oily looking coffee beans into the grinder, lining the basket of my coffee maker with a filter. I added the ground powder to the machine and flipped the on switch, watching as it began to percolate enveloping the kitchen in a rich earthy scent.

            After the pot had finished brewing, I grabbed myself a mug, settling in at the high-top breakfast bar in one of the cushy stools. I opened my Instagram, eager for a distraction and to catch up on all I'd missed from my friends. I needed something else to occupy my mind if I had any chance at getting through this day without more tears being shed.

            Stace.romeo97: I'm coming home early!!!

            Stace.romeo97: Girls night with Meela & the team??

            Stace.romeo97: Katie are you ignoring me???

            Stace.romeo97: Um hello????

            Stace.romeo97: Meela said she saw you at the gym so I know you're not dead. What is up with you? I feel like we barely talk since I've been gone... Is everything okay?

            There was my opportunity, I could tell her everything. All about what had happened in the forest, meeting Josh, and all that had had happened after. I knew she'd listen to everything with a sympathetic ear, and that the moment her plane touched down on Michigan soil she'd be enroute to my house to cheer me up. Despite all that, it seemed too soon, too fresh, and too raw to be able to even formulate the words to talk about it.

            Katiebetzing: Sorry Stace just been super tired, I promise everything is fine.

            Stace.romeo97: If you're sure... anyways I'm coming back Thursday!

            Katiebetzing: Florida not all you thought it'd be?

            Stace.romeo97: Nah... complex dude had a girlfriend and everyone else is way too old

            I read her latest message with a wince, wondering if she'd have thought the same about Josh. Remembering her reaction to Jameela mentioning Josh, I knew she wouldn't think he was too old for me, sadly Josh didn't share the same sentiment.

            Katiebetzing: Bummer...

            Stace.romeo97: So, since you've been M.I.A. in the group chat I'll fill you in. Thursday night team sleepover at my house. Tina, Meela, Emma, Jess, Lily, Hannah, Vicki, Brooke, Ashley, Jenny, me & you. It'll be great! I'm thinking mani/pedi's, maybe I'll sneak some of mom's vodka...

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