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A/N:Thank you for all the reads! I hope this chapter was worth the wait! I'll be uploading the 6th chapter tomorrow. Please give me some feedback/comments so I continue to make this story the best I can for you guys. Thanks!!!

I stared at Josh in a minor state of shock but did as he'd asked and lead the way to the free-weights I'd been eyeing earlier. I felt awkward and if I was being honest, I didn't want to be the one to make the first move, especially if I did something to embarrass myself.

"So, Katie B.—"

"—Just Katie is fine outside of class," I interrupted, and Josh gave a nod of acceptance.

"Alright just Katie," Josh teased, smirking at me as he grabbed a set of dumbbells. "Wanna' start on arms or did you have a circuit in mind?" He asked, and I nearly laughed out loud at that. Me? Me lead Josh through a circuit? Fat chance!

"Arms is fine," I replied a little breathlessly. I took my queue from him and grabbed a set of dumbbells, mine a much lighter eight pounds to his thirty-five! No wonder his arms were as big as my legs, bigger even.

Any thoughts of a romantic workout session were quickly stamped out by reality, the reality being that in real life getting red faced and sweaty was never going to be seen as cute or even attractive. So there I was struggling to look like I wasn't a slouch, but also not push myself so hard that I started to drip sweat as I had a tendency to do. Those idiots who made female athletes in movies simply glisten had really heightened those expectations to unrealistic heights.

"Try it without twisting your elbow out so much," Josh instructed, tapping my outward pointing elbows to correct me. Stupidly I almost dropped both dumbbells at the unexpected touch. Josh laughed and stepped away from me, going back to his own reps.

"So, what does Katie like to do for fun?" Josh asked, glancing up at me as he started to do bicep curls. Oh god, what didn't sound like something lame? He was an MMA fighter and had already graduated High School. He'd probably already experienced so much and what did I a girl from small-town Romeo have that could even compare?

"Um, I play Volleyball, am on the Track team," Why was I just listing sports teams? God Katie! Sound like more of a sports obsessed weirdo why don't you? "I like to hang out with my friends," Okay that was better, that was normal.

"Nice what College you at? Or university?" He asked. He thought I was in College?! What did I do? Lie? Tell him the truth and have him lose all interest in me?

Breaking me from my eternal freak-out I saw Denise approaching us, and if I wasn't mistaken, was her top lower than it was a couple minutes ago? She ignored me and sauntered up to Josh, placing one of her manicured hands on his biceped shoulder.

"Josh mind if I grab you for a few minutes?" Of course, she needed him for something, it was probably she made up. God! What was wrong with me? A couple minutes in the presence of this guy and I was becoming this overly possessive obsessive creature around him. I could hear Stacey's phantom squeals in my head if she knew Josh was my instructor, let alone that he'd spent any one on one time talking to me.

"Sure," He said easily, smiling at me before he followed Denise's swaying hips. I guess I should be thankful for her interruption as it gave me more time to think about the situation. Was I going to lie to him about my age? What would even be the point? Sure, short term I might have his interest, but long term? Long term I'd lose anything we had and wasn't that worse? To have had something only to have it ripped away rather than to never know what it'd be like?

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