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A/N: Thanks for all the support! Comment on your favourite parts and make sure to follow the story as there will be a bunch of updates this week. Thanks!!

This wasn't real, it couldn't be! I'd had to have tripped and fell, hit my head on a piece of gym equipment and dreamt up this weird reality. A weird reality where a concerned Josh was crouched down in front of me.

"Katie?" Josh repeated— okay so not a dream then. This was real, this was happening. I'd actually embarrassed myself in front of a class full of people. Where was that sinkhole scientist kept predicting would open up somewhere in Michigan? I needed that sinkhole to come swallow me up and erase all the embarrassing things I'd done in the past ten minutes. Instead of Katie the spaz they'd remember Katie the girl who got swallowed up by the sinkhole. Yes, much better.

"You alright?" He asked, sinking down cross-legged beside me. He must've sensed this conversation wasn't going to take a mere few seconds.

"Yeah totally," I joked, feeling exhausted after my mini panic attack. I remembered my sister Biz napping a lot during her senior year, and this must've been why. I felt beyond tired, my emotions, my brain, even my physical body felt tired.

"Spend a lot of time in supply closets?" He asked semi-jokingly.

"Too much time, really," I snarked, surprised my mind was intact enough to joke around when up until now it decided to go on vacation anytime Josh addressed me directly.

Josh barked out a laugh, analyzing me with those milk chocolate eyes of his. I felt undressed in front of him, and no not in the naked sense, but like he could see through me. See through all my walls, all the bullshit, and just see me. The fact that I'd only known him for all of ten minutes, it was scary. Beyond scary. After this week I didn't want anything to do with scary, I wanted to run full sprint away from scary.

"So, I'm gonna make a guess and if I'm totally off, feel free to tell me to shut-up." Josh looked at me, almost as if to ask my permission to continue so I gave him a hesitant nod. "Your being in this class has nothing with a college fight club does it?"

"Of course not, I'm totally in a fight club." I joked. Oh god that was so so so lame! What was I thinking? Sinkhole please swallow me and all my embarrassing foot in mouthness up!

"Totally not lame," Josh reassured me. Shoot! Shit! I'd said that out loud. What was it about being around this boy that made me turn into a complete idiot?

"Don't you have a class to be teaching?" I snapped, a mixture of embarrassment and impatience fueling my sudden anger. Why did he bring out this weird, unpredictable side to me? In spite of what had happened earlier in the week, I couldn't blame my sudden shyness and inability to speak only on that. No, Josh definitely had something to do with it.

It was weird because when Stacey went on and on about how some random guy she'd met at the mall or grocery store was her soulmate, I'd usually scoff. I didn't believe in that; I didn't believe in a planet of a couple billion people there was one singular person destined for you. Sure, I'd had crushes. Crushes where my every thought and action revolved around that one person.

Ethan Wright in eighth grade had been an example of this. Ethan was only ever interested in the bubbly cheerleaders, so me being hopelessly infatuated with the guy I decided to try out for the squad. Embarrassingly, I soon discovered that cheerleading was one of the only extracurriculars that I absolutely was hopeless at. Let's just say my crush disappeared almost as quickly as my failed cheerleading career did.

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