Chapter 14

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They all piled into the room quickly, I was too shocked for tears so I just held up the letter silently. Darren took it from me and read it quickly, Helen snatched it from his hands when he was finished and crumpled on the ground a moment later. Charlie picked it up and read it then, his head shaking the whole time he read it.

“It’s not over yet we need to stay positive and find him. He has wrote here ‘when the time comes’ doesn’t that mean he hasn’t done it yet?” He asked us all hopefully.

“Charlie we don’t know when he wrote this, I left him over a week ago?” I added, the words making my throat dry.

“No… no this isn’t happening. Elliot wouldn’t do this to us, a quick line on the end of a letter! He would say goodbye properly, he may not tell us what he was planning but he’d at least want to see us face to face first. I know it, has he been to see you this week mum, dad?”

Helen burst out crying and Darren turned white as a ghost and collapsed beside Helen, pulling her into his arms for a hug. She wailed out loud and the sound was like a knife to the heart, she was completely broken and there was no way we would get anything from her at the moment.

“He…He came to see us two days ago, he was talking about taking a vacation to England to see you Charlie. That’s why we were so surprised that you turned up here, we thought he must have warned you that he would be coming. When he said goodbye it didn’t sound normal, it sounded almost final but I didn’t question it. It didn’t even cross my mind because I didn’t know that all of this had been going on for so long?!”

“Damn it, maybe he is with Domingo and Emily I need to go and call him! If he planned on seeing me and doing this in England then I may never see him again. He planned this so that you wouldn’t be able to reach him in time once you found the letter Lucas.” Charlie said quickly and left the room.

Around ten minutes later he returned, his face solemn and confused.

“I don’t know what to do? Domingo said that Elliot hasn’t turned up there yet, I don’t know whether to stay here and make sure he comes home or fly back to England and make sure I can stop him from doing anything stupid.”

“Charlie I think that you should go home son. Lucas, your mother and I will keep searching for him here and stop him from harming himself but we need someone in England to stop him and he loves you, he will listen to you.” Darren said strongly.

“I think your dad is right Charlie, if we find him here we can let you know and maybe all three of you can come visit us eh? It would be nice to finally meet Emily when all of this is over and Elliot is back home safe.” I tried to lift the mood.

“Ok fine I will go home but dad, I think it’s time we called the police and the army base they will need to know why Elliot is missing. They might be able to help?”

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