Part 10

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Luther walks towards Cinderella with slow steps, making Enrico uneasy with his every step. But before he could rich her Enrico was beside her in no time. Luther raised one of his eyebrow giving questioning looks o Enrico, then slowly his lips curled upwards and he gave him a side smirk. But before anyone could say anything the maid who was preparing breakfast enter the living room.

"Sir, madam breakfast is ready," the maid informed them

"Diana, come to have breakfast with us, and sorry what's your name again," Cinderella said to Diana and gave a questioning look towards Luther

"Oh, Ella he is my fiancee Luther, sure why not we will eat breakfast; as my brother owes it," Diana said and took Cinderella's hand in her hand and walk away

"When did I owe breakfast?" Enrico questioned

To which Luther just shrugged his shoulder and went in the direction where Diana took Cinderella. Having no choice Enrico closed his eyes in frustration and followed them. The breakfast was quite, but to Luther, it was new seeing Enrico self-obsessed person serving breakfast to Cinderella. Diana laughed silently seeing his reaction because yesterday night they had the same expression seeing him doing this. She patted the back of his hand and showed him his plate by her head.

After eating, Cinderella went to her room, and 3 of them moved towards the living room,

"I didn't think that there will be a day where I will see the great Enrico serving food," Luther said while smirking

"None of your business," Enrico said and sat on the sofa

"Your mom will be so astonished by seeing her bachelor son like this," Luther said and gave a small laugh

"Oh common, stop it both of you. Ella, are you going somewhere?" Diana asked as she saw Cinderella walking downstairs fully dress up with a book and handbag in her hand

"Ya, it's time for my college," Cinderella said showing her, her book

"Like this?" Luther asked pointing his hand towards her cast

"It's nothing, I am good now," She said and started walking towards the door

"I will drop you, just let me get changed," Enrico said and walked upstairs towards his room before she could say anything

After, 15 mins Enrico returned wearing a red Armani suit and walked downstairs.

"Let's go," He said and took her handbag

"Brother are you seriously taking her to college, with a hand like that," Diana asked

"She wants to go, we are going, you two can leave later," Enrico said and walked out with Cinderella and whole he didn't leave her hand only when they reached parking plot he left her hand

The ride was silent, they didn't say any word just silently drove to her university. As they getting nearer to university, they can see many students on the road, somewhere walking while somewhere on the bike while somewhere on a bicycle. Soon, they reached the university, he parked his car in front of the university gate and walked down to the other side to open the door.

"Take care," He said and drove away

All this was seen by the whole university. Everyone was jealous of them, girls were jealous of Cinderella because the most eligible bachelor was coming every day to their university to just send her off, while boys were jealous because everyone in the university like sweet and naive Cinderella and she was already taken.

"Cinderella, what happened to your hand?" Marca asked

Marca was an only genuine friend of Cinderella in this university other than her no one talks with her.

"Nothing just fell," Cinderella said with a small smile

"Okay, let's go," Marca said and they both walked towards the locker room

They walk into the locker room, all lockers were pink in colour and it had benches for girls to seat or keep their books. Marca and Cinderella's lockers were side by side and this way both of them meet on the first day.

They took their books and started walking towards their class but Cinderella got collided with someone and fell down.

"Watch were you going Ms Cinderella," Kara their class bully said

"Sorry," Cinderella said and got up

"What are you sorry about it Cinderella? It was clearly her mistake, so Ms Kara watch before walking," Marca said and came in front of Cinderella shielding her

"And what if I don't want to?" Kara said and raised both of her eyebrows

"Then you will see," Marca gave her warning to step back

Kara took a deep breath and step back because she was already scolded by the principal yesterday. She started walking again but before that, she came towards Cinderella and whispered in her ear

"Enrico belongs to me, and what belongs to me no one can even touch it,"

But she was pushed back a little and Cinderella was now able to get stable by the person who pushed Kara. Cinderella looks up, to thank the person but was shocked to see the person standing there. Because he wasn't a living person he was,

"Henry," Cinderella whispered

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