Part 6

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Carvalho has many branches in different countries but in the UK they have their headquarters where they discuss everything related to their new projects and developments. It is in the central part of the city; it is also one of their oldest hotels.

There will be a meeting going to start and Enrico is already sitting in his seat waiting for his employees to enter the room. He was continuously checking his watch now and then. Soon, the door of the meeting room opened, and many employees entered with their laptops and files with them. He saw them and rolled his eyes and with his left hand, he gestures them to take their seats.

"I am giving you all one hour to complete this meeting. Not a second more than that," Enrico announced in a loud and clear voice, leaving no space for argument.

"Sir, we have a presentation to show you, about the new project," One of his employees said

"Aren't we all here to discuss that only? Stop wasting my time and start the presentation," he shouted at him.

Soon after 15 minutes, the employee finished his presentation and like 45 minutes were over when all the employees finish with their presentation. Enrico, look at his employees and at his table screen where the project was displayed with the creator names.

"That's all?" He asked as no one got up

"Yes sir," His PA replied

"What was the main criteria of this project can someone explain?" Enrico asked and stood up from his chair.

But none dare to answer his question, listening to his strict and loud voice they understood they did some mistake. As no one answered, Enrico, started speaking again.

"To ensure we include health and medicinal equipment in the hotel. For the people who get injured or are in an emergency. But in your project I didn't see a single room which had these criteria," Enrico shouted and showed a big slide of the mail which was sent to every department. There in the left side corner of the mail, it was clearly, written medical criteria are the main criteria.

"I see none of you read the instruction carefully, I give you seven days give me a proper presentation or resignation letter should be present at my desk," Enrico said and walked out of the room followed by his PA behind him

As he started walking towards his cabin, all his staffs greeted him. He entered his cabin while banging the door.

"Why don't you check their presentation before keeping meeting," Enrico shouted at his PA

"Enrico, you know it's not possible. It's against the company rule," His PA said actually, he was also his best friend

"So shall Mandros, I make one. That you should check the presentation before calling me," Enrico said while thinking for a while

"Enrico," Mandros said while giving him unbelievable look

"Brother, did you seriously rejected every project just now?" Diana asked as he entered her brother's cabin

"Diana shall I teach you to knock before entering my room," Enrico asked with both of his eyebrows raised

"Ya, whatever when I have ever knocked, you can ask others. Don't change the topic answer me first are the rumours true?" Diana asked

"Yes they are, they forgot the main criteria of the project," Enrico said

"What criteria?" She asked

"Medical," Mandros answered

"Oh, I see," Diana said

"By the way, Enrico why were you in a hurry to end the meeting?" Mandros ask remembering one-hour timer that Enrico kept before the meeting

"Oh shoot," Enrico said and watch his hand watch to see 3 pm

"Brother wait," Diana said as Enrico started running out of his cabin

"I don't have time, you can tell Mandros whatever you want," Enrico said before entering his private lift with his personal, gold card key

Finding something fishy, Diana smirk and removed her golden card key from her handbag and entered her private lift. Headquater have a private lift for every sibling and they have their own, cards other than them no one else have it. Diana followed Enrico with her yellow BMW, making sure that he doesn't see her, or else she would be dead. But Enrico was in his own, world to notice that someone was following him.

Soon, Enrico parked his car in front of UK university gate, was Cinderella was talking with her friends. Cinderella looked towards Enrico and gave him a big smile. Seeing, a brand new car parked in front of their university every student got curious to see who it belong too. Seeing, the new student talking with the owner of the guy and that too handsome one everyone was envious of her.

"You are late," Cinderella said showing him her watch

"Sorry, was held up by a meeting. I promise never to be late again," Enrico said while holding his one ear

"Oh, okay. Let's go," Cinderella said embarrass by the stares they were receiving from other students

On other, side Enrico was happy that he showed these kids that Cinderella belonged to him. That too without saying anything. He opened the passenger door and let Cinderella gets settle down while he kept his hand on her head so she doesn't bump on the car roof. But unknown to him, all this were being photographed by his sister, and already being seen by his all siblings.

"Diana, you know right once he finds this is your doing you will be dead," Rusell asked

"Ya, you are the photographer of our hotel, the camera is given to click pics for hotels, not for your personal, things," Eleanor said

"Don't mimic him, come to his place this evening," Diana said while speaking

"Oh it's gonna be a fun evening," Alfred said while laughing

"Don't be happy beforehand you know if he finds what we are up to he will kill us," Leslie said

"Oh, common we won't. Have you ever seen him following someone like this," Alfred asked

"The hell he held his ear and said sorry too," Diana said

Soon, the call was cut. And everyone started to finish up the work, to meet in the evening.


Everyone entered the condo using the spare key they had, but as soon as they entered the living room. What they saw was unbelievable. Cinderella flew out of nowhere, in front of them and got hit by the wall.

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