Chapter 8

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"Lia?! What's wrong?!" Bryan says looking at me worried. If I tell him, he'll probably think I'm being sensitive and annoying. Just stop crying and sit quietly. "Nwothing." I say wiping my tears. "Bipolar much?" India says rolling her eyes. Just ignore her. Bryan faced away from me and towards the window.

He can't even look at me. The ride felt longer than it actually was and when we got there I didn't even want to leave the car. I did anyways and walked far behind everyone else. Maybe you're over thinking. He's not mad at you, that's just how he is. Soon enough we're back in his office and I'm sitting back in the same chair as before. They were talking about a few things but I decided to mind my business. Until someone barges in yelling "Kitty! I missed you!" I turned towards the door and it was Jori with my other daddies behind him. He walked to me and picked me up twirling me around making me feel better and giggle. "Hi Kitten." "Hi Daddy." I say laying my head in his neck.

"What about me, Love?" Danny says pouting walking towards me as well. I pick my head up and turn my face sideways to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Have none of you heard of knocking?" Bryan says glaring at each one of them. "Hey Dylan, Mason." Jori says ignoring Bryan. "Good afternoon." Mason replies twirling his pocket knife. "Bryan. Don't tell me you brought her there." Leo says with a stern look on his face. "Would you had rather have me leave her here unsupervised?" "I'd rather have you not leave at all." "You're bad at making jokes. You really shouldn't do it." "I'm being serious." "I was hoping you were joking but I guess not." "Bryan. That place is dangerous. She could've been hurt. Or even worse, killed."

"Leonardo. Lay off a bit. She's fine." Jori says chuckling a bit. "And how exactly do you know that? You weren't there." He hisses back making Jori stop laughing. Bryan looked deep in thought so I took it upon myself to say "I's fwine. I's stwayed wiff Daddy thwe whole twime." "No Brat. Lying isn't the right approach. India, Mason, Dylan. Get out." "What?! Why?!" India asks. "Get out." He repeats sending a glare. They get up and walk out closing the door behind them. "Lying now are we?" Jori says pretending to bite my nose. I move my hands to it quickly and place them over it pouting. "I jwust dwon't want Daddy two gwet in twouble." "You'll get yourself in trouble trying to save him." Danny says patting my head smiling before it turns into a straight face and he looked at Bryan.

His eyes looked so cold. "Now explain what happened." "I left her in my office and the guards I left there took advantage of her. I came in time and took care of it and them." "THEY WHAT?!" Leo boomed. Danny placed a hand on his shoulder. "How exactly did you "take care of them"?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "How do I always take care of them?" "In front of her?!" Leo yelled once again. "How else did you expect me to get them off? By asking nicely? Because I highly doubt that shit would've worked." "So you thought "Hm, let me just kill them in front of her. She's not going to get any trauma from it."" Jori answered. "I's-" I tried to interrupt but Danny cut me off quick. "Lia, the grownups are talking."

"I didn't kill them in front of her. I just shot them. I killed them when she was in the car. I didn't think this would happen or I wouldn't have brought her." "You never think about how your actions would effect others. You just had something that you thought was more important than her life to take care of so you decided to do it. You self-centered asshole." Leo spat with a disgusted look on his face. "Thwat wasn't vewy nice." I try to say pouting before Jori said "Lia, mind your business."

I push out of his arms before jumping down. "Thwis is mwy bwusiness! Stwop being swo mwean to him!" I say more louder than I should've. I move towards Bryan and pull him down by his tie before kissing his cheek. "Tank you fwor saving mwe, Daddy. You're mwy hewro." I then turn and glare at the rest of them. "I's fwine. It's nwot his fawult. Why awre you awll swo mwean two each other!? You kweep cussing at each other! Awnd gwetting mad! It's tiring!" I yell but not too loud.

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