37. The Man

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Alexander Grey

When I gained my consciousness, I had my hands tied behind my back and my legs clasped together with a rope, I assume, tied around them. I had something over head which kept me from seeing anything. It was black in colour so even if I opened my eyes, I couldn't see anything.

I tried freeing my hands from the rope or tried kicking my legs in order to make the person behind this aware of my state. As if on cue, I heard a metal door open and the sound of a person's footsteps could be heard. A hand pulled away the rag over my head and I squinted my eyes. Struggling to open them, a groan escaped my mouth.

After a moment passed, I fully opened my eyes and saw the room around me. It was completely empty except for a wooden table on the side and it had a number of big lights on the cheap looking ceiling which filled the entire room with brightness. The walls were wrapped in cheap-looking wallpapers and there was no window at all. Only a metal door as an escape.

"I would've said I'm glad to meet you again but that would've been a lie." I heard a feminine voice from my left and turned to look at a women. She was dressed in all black. Black jeans, black tank top and a black leather jacket. She had honey blonde hair and was average heighted. She was just like any ordinary woman you'd see in a park or something. One thing that really irked me was the colour of her eyes. Deep blue, almost as blue as a sapphire. I've seen them somewhere before. My eyes widen when realisation sunk in. Oh Fuck!

"Summer Lewis."

"Bingo! I'm glad you remember me. But then again, I am one of those who leaves a mark." She said and flipped her now blonde hair behind her back in a dramatic way. I can't believe my eyes. Summer is here. She's the one who kidnapped me. Although, I'm pretty sure the person who hit me was a man and he had blue-grey eyes. I clearly saw the colour of them before falling completely unconscious.

"But... your hair?" I said and frowned. She smirked a little before saying, "Hair dye, darling." She gave me a viscous smile and walked upto me. She reeked of cheap perfume unlike before. In the past, she used to wear expensive cologne which usually smelled like flowers and/or wood. It was one of the things which boys usually promptly liked about her, keeping aside her face. She ruffled my hair with her hands. Oh God, I need to shampoo them as soon as possible.

She bought her botox-ed face near mine and starred into my eyes. There was a time when we used to have stare down competitions. These sapphire blue eyes used to be the ones I smiled at. They used to be filled with warmth, happiness and hue of friendship back in those days. Now, they just reflect feelings like cheating, betrayal and selfishness. How I wish things were different. How I wish she wouldn't have poured poison in my friendship with André. He was after all, one of the most important person I had in those days.

"What do you want, Summer? Why kidnap me?" I asked jerking my face away from her hands. God knows no woman has ever touched it apart from my wife and I would very much like to keep it that way.

All of me and everything of mine belongs solely to my wife, the love of my life. I miss her so fucking much and yes she is away from me but that doesn't mean anything changes. That woman rules my heart and it will very much stay the same till I take my last breath.

"Why so rude, baby? All I want is some fun." She shrugged as she tried saying those words in a sexy manner. Eww.

Seriously, she thought just cause my wife's away, she'd come running back to me after all these years and I'd accept her lying ass. Delusional bitch.

"What do you say, you and I have some fun? Just like old times. When André was away, do you recall what good times that you and I shared." She glided her pointer finger from my forehead to my lips.

"Shut up, Summer. Both you and I know we never did anything, ever." She playfully flicked my nose and laughed in a creepy way.

"True, but André doesn't know." She said and walked back to the door. She opened it and was about to step out but turned around. "Oh and just because you're married doesn't mean you can't have fun. I mean, Sophia is having her fair share of hers." She said and I growled in anger.

"What are you talking about, Summer? Neither her nor I will ever cheat on our relationship."

"Oh poor, Alexander. You don't know yet, do you?" She walked back inside and opened the drawer of the table. She took out a photo and held it before me, since I can't. My hands are tied, remember.

The photo showed a woman and a man sitting by the piano bench, playing the instrument. The woman was definitely Sophia, I'd recognise my wife's bronde hair anywhere. The man sitting beside her had dirty blonde hair. The photo was clicked from the window and was a little bit dirty. But there was just one question revolving in my mind. Who was the man?

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