30. Red

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Sophia Blossom-Grey

"Sophia Elenor Grey, get your ass out of the house, right now." I heard a very furious Violet, shout from the dinning room.

"What are you middle naming me for? I'm absolutely ready. Jen's the one enjoying a full blown make out session with her boyfriend." I said as I kept my hands on my waist and raised my eyebrows in irritation at her.

Apparently, our dear Violet and Josh are getting hitched after a month. Josh proposed Violet last night at their date and she obviously said yes. We are going ring shopping today from Violet's side and Josh can't see it until the wedding. It's a tradition in Violet's household.

She is super restless right now because according to her Josh has a 'particular' taste and she's worried the ring she'll get won't suit him or worst; he won't like it.

We're currently at my old house home, i.e., Jen's house. I and Violet are done with breakfast and are ready to leave but Jen, at the last moment, decides she wants to have a long-ass kiss from Kev.

"Jennifer Lauren Parker, get out." She once again yelled and Alex rolled his eyes.

"Jeez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." Alex remarked and I suppressed a laugh.

"Yeah, you sound like you're dying, Liliac." Kev said as the both of them finally came out of the kitchen.

"If I ever wanna die, I'll climb up your ego and jump down to your I.Q." Violet growled and Josh slyly said, "Burn,".

"Babe, didn't I tell you before, I would love any ring you'd choose for me. Stop stressing so much." Josh rubbed circles on Violet's back, caressing her hair.

"Yeah, please." Jen said and Violet glared at her. Jen winked at her in reply.

"You're taking guards with you, right?" Alex asked and I shook my head negative.

"We're just going to the mall and just for like an hour. Is it really necessary?" I think it's highly unnecessary to trouble them for such a small trip.

"You know how dangerous it is for all of you to go out without guards. You have to take them everywhere." Alex kept his iPad on the table and gave his full concentration to me.

"Alex, what could possibly go wrong at a mall, full of people." I asked and Alex opened his mouth to answer but Josh cut him to it.

"Woman, have you seen Stranger Things?" Violet smacked the back of his head for this.

"Be serious."

"Sweetheart, please. For me." Alex said and kept a hand on mine.

"Okay, Okay." I said and he kissed it.

"If are done here, shall we leave?" Jen said picking her bag up from the table.


"Please." Violet said and with that, the three of us, exited the home.





"I want it be subtle yet cute." Violet said for the fourth time. I can clearly see that the salesperson was getting irritated by Violet and vice-versa.

"V, for God's sake, explore the shop and choose a god-dame ring before my brother refuses to marry you altogether." Jen said and Violet's eyes widened.

"You think he'll not marry me?" Violet questioned.

"With the amount of time you're taking to choose a ring, we might never reach there on time." I sarcastically commented and rolled my eyes.

"Fine then, help me." She said and I stood up from my previous seat.

"Finally." Jen exclaimed and joined us, eyeing the rings.

"How about this one?" I picked a platinum band with a small diamond on this side.

"Not really his style." Both Jen and V rejected the ring.

"Do you know what kind of ring you want for him?" Jen asked and she nodded her head.

"Something subtle yet cute," I face palmed myself.

"God help me, I'll kill you, V, if you say that one more time." Jen said and V tried to give us a smile.

After going through at least a dozen of those shiny ornaments, Violet decided to have some mercy at us and finally choose a ring. It was a black band with a streak of dark blue diamonds giving the ring a beautiful glow. It was really beautiful.

"See, we did a great job with the ring," V commented as we all sat down to have some ice cream. I got a strawberry-banana, Jen ordered a butterscotch and V went for some chocolate-mint.

"So, V, have you planned anything for your special night?" I asked with teasing eyes. Her eyes grew wide and a blush appeared on her face.

"Soph," She warningly said and concentrated on her ice cream as if it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"Come on, you gonna discuss about my brother's sex life in front of me? Eww." Jen made a face and I surrendered saying, "Fine, leave it."

"Thank you." Jen said and turned towards V, "Have you though?" She asked and V choked. I let out a hearty laugh at this.

Classic Jennifer Parker.

"Jen..." V said and shook her head sideways after a couple of seconds.

"Oh, we've got to buy some lingerie for you," Jen said and I nodded. "Yeah, sure," V turned a shade redder if possible.

Can't believe she's the same Violet Anderson who was shouting at us this morning. So damn whipped.

"That wouldn't be necessary," V slyly said.

"Oh, we insist," I teased and she denied.

We dropped the topic and continued eating our cold dessert all the while discussing details of her wedding dress, the venue, the theme of the wedding, the menu, the makeup and what not.

I was so genuinely happy for the both of them. It was obviously a big step for Violet but it was even bigger for Josh. Considering, his history and how hurt her was on the death of his late sister, Ashleigh, marriage's a soft topic for him. I couldn't imagine how much he loves Violet and how much does he wants to make her and see her happy, that he proposed her unexpectedly.

She has want nothing more than to have a husband, be a wife, be a mother one day, have her kids run around their porch and have a family. She's incredibly happy and I can see it in her eyes.

"Next stop, Simone Pérèle," Jen said as we disposed our tissues.

"Jesus Christ." V said and once again her cheeks turned red.

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