34. Left?

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Sophia Blossom-Grey

What would you do if you'd have to choose between choosing your relationship or your lover's life?

I'm a selfish person when it comes to my relationships. Friendship, Family or Romance. I'll always do what makes me the most happy. Seeing Jennifer with Kevin, Violet succeeding in her job, Josh studying for his degree as an ophthalmologist are somethings which make me immensely happy on my friendship side. Seeing my uncle working in his law firm and my aunt teaching her students at her school are somethings which make me happy on my family side.

When it comes to Alex, his smile is something which makes me happy the most. His presence, his face, his touch, his voice, his persona are some of the things which spark the most joy to me. His life is what matters the most to me.

As I said, I am a selfish person. I can't stop seeing my favourite person in the world. If I don't leave him, the crazy lady who's after us will maybe attack Alex next and I can't let that happen. I have to leave and that's the only solution to our problem.

I picked up a pen and paper and started writing a letter to Alex.

Dear Alex,

I'm so sorry to be doing this but please try to understand, I have to leave. So much has already happened and I can't take more of it. If being with you means a threat to our lives, I'm going to leave. I initially came to L.A. to have a good life for myself. To do something which is my passion and to fulfil my dreams. Being threaten by an anonymous enemy is something which never ended up on my to-do list. I am going and I want you to not try to search for me. This is what's best for the both of us.

I will always cherish our moments together. Our first date in Paris, the proposal at the Eiffel Tower, our pick up lines' battle. The first time I said 'I love you' to you. Our thanksgiving trip. The Christmas we spent together, the New Year's Eve. When I moved in with you, when you officially met my uncle and aunt and finally our wedding day. All the memories that we've created will be very difficult to forget but maybe we were never meant to be.

I won't lie, I'm going to miss you terribly. I'll be a nightmare without you by my side to keep me sane but I've got to do this. I'm going to miss your smile, your touch, your eyes, your smirks, your 'Sweetheart', your food, your presence and I am going to miss your love so fucking much. I promise I'll try not to cry and will do my best to just smile at our memories every time they came up. I hope you do that too.

I wish you always stay happy and find happiness and success everyday. Thank you for all the memories and sorry for the hurt which will follow after you receive this letter.

With tears in my eyes and warm wishes in my heart,
Sophia Blossom-Grey.

I signed my name on the letter as tears spilled from my eyes. I curled up in a ball and cried my eyes out.

That's it. It's goodbye now.

Alexander Grey

I woke up to be met with an empty bed. I furrowed my eyes and sat on the bed, rubbing my eyes trying to get rid of my sleep. It was 7 in the morning and Sophia doesn't have a shooting schedule today. I checked the bathroom and found it to be empty.

Panic slowly started rising inside me but I tried shaking it off. Maybe she's in the gym or cooking breakfast. Maybe she's gone for a jog.

I quickly took a shower and headed downstairs. She wasn't in the kitchen or the gym. The guards haven't seen her go outside since the morning. I called Jennifer and Violet. Turns out neither of them know about her whereabouts.

I decided to be patient and wait for her to return home. Shortly, Jennifer and Kevin walked in the living room along with Josh and Violet.

"Did she looked tensed last night?" Violet asked and I didn't reply.

"Did something happen at the shoot, Jen?" Josh question and Jennifer too remained silent. After about two-three more questions. I decided enough is enough and spilled everything that happened.

From the reason behind her getting shot at in the restaurant the other day, letter of threat, the attack on her in her vanity and the message of warning.

"All of this happened and you guys didn't inform us?" Violet said in anger and Josh tried to console her down. It's natural that she would be angry but now is really not the time.

"You think we don't care about her enough? Or do you think we might have something to do with all of it?" Violet questioned and my eyes widened at her last question.

"What?! No, absolutely not, Violet." I said and Kev nodded his head in agreement. "We just didn't want you guys to get tensed up. We initially thought it was an empty threat or something."

"You didn't even inform me. Why didn't I know about the letter of threat, fiancé?" A very disappointed Jennifer addressed Kev, emphasising the word 'fiancé'.

"I'm sorry, Jenni." He said and tried to rub her back.

My mind again went to Soph. Where is she?

"We need to call Sam, your P.I." Kev said and I nodded. I got up and walked into my office. I went to my desk and pulled out the other phone I use whenever I want to talk to him. This way no one finds when I contacted him. For safety reasons of course.

I was about to dial his number when my eyes fell on a later placed beneath my paperweight. A letter was placed there with Soph's name on it. I picked it up and started reading it.

She left?

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