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March 27, New York

Besides Estonia, America did not know the Baltics (they were commonly referred as sisters) well just yet, so it came out as quite a surprise when he saw Lithuania, in her usual dark ochre overcoat and hat with black boots, which served as her uniform, having escaped a murder, lay on the bed, conscious, yet in a panicked state, surrounded by the two other Baltic countries Estonia and Latvia, before being pushed away from WHO, who came hurrying to clean and fix Lithuania's wounds.

Wait, she is conscious now, America realized, Then that means...
He can ask Lithuania who was the killer and Lithuania would be able to give an answer! America didn't care if her answer was vague. The very fact that Lithuania was the victim was able to give him a close-to-being-clear idea of who was the killer.

However, America saw that she was in no condition to answer any questions, and he doubted that WHO would let anyone close to Lithuania unless they were finished with the wounds, which would take probably twenty minutes or so, now that he had also noticed a fairly big one on her left forearm.


Half an hour had passed as America sat in one of the chairs facing opposite of WHO'S desk right next to Latvia before he turned to look at the hospital one more time to see Lithuania, in a patient's dress, with the entirety of her forehead and her forearm where the wound had been all bandaged up, and the organization placing away their kit.

America walked over to the Baltic, who was advised to stay in the hospital wing for a few days just then, and, after gaining the approval of WHO for talking to her before the organization went over to her desk (perhaps to write an excuse letter for UN regarding Lithuania's condition or to call the attentions of Estonia and Latvia), found a nearby chair and sat down beside Lithuania.

"Oh, hello, America," said the yellow-green-red country quite gloomily as she watched America sit down.

"Hello, Lithuania," replied America, "Mind if I ask you some questions?"

"Is it regarding about what happened to me?" Replied the latter, which took America a bit by surprise, although his surprise faded away quickly and nodded.

Lithuania then turned to the ceiling and sighed, as if she were in deep thought. A moment of silence ensued before she murmured, "I don't remember any exact details," America's heart sank at the statement.
Seeing America was about to leave, Lithuania then said, "Although I do know I was hit on the head. That's one thing I only remember before blacking out. Probably because the killer wanted me unconscious so that I won't escape. And then when I woke up, my vision was blurry, and all I see in front of me was someone's face, probably a country, because they had white, blue, and red on their face.
"I don't know how I got out. I guess when I saw his face I just ran..."

"Do you know what he wore?" America asked, now that his spirits were lifted back up again.

"I'm not so sure," replied the female country, "All I see was a peaked cap and a red crest on his chest. He was wearing dark blue I guess... I was in a dark room and, like I said, my vision was blurry so I couldn't see anything clearly..."

"Alright, thanks, Lith!" said America almost immediately, as he lept up from his chair (this sudden reaction made the latter jump).
What Lithuania had just told him finally gave him a clear idea of who was the murderer.
And it definitely wasn't NATO.


March 29, New York

Two days had passed since America's conversation with Lithuania, America recalled, as he stood outside Russia's office.

It was true, Lithuania had described the country as white, blue, and red respectively, so it left America with one option. What was more: even though UN announced that Russia will be detained for a while "until further announcements", the country had still come back and forth in the UN headquarters for "urgent matters".
Nevertheless, he still felt nervous as he stood outside in the busy hallway, contemplating whether this choice was the right choice.

Finally, after pacing back and forth in deep thought in front of the office after what it seemed like half an hour, the country took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.
That was America's last thought before he knocked on the wooden door.

There was a short moment of silence before the door opened.

With some hesitation, America walked in.

Russia's office looked much more emptier and darker than America's last visit there (which occurred probably eight months ago, just to deliver a few documents for Russia), now that some of his things, probably paperwork, were placed in boxes. Still, two matryoshka dolls, both in red, one considerably smaller than the other, sat on the left side on his desk, and the large windows, which were usually left open in case the country wanted to take a few breaths of warm spring air, were closed.

Russia, in his turquoise peaked cap and uniform with a red crest, stood, slightly bent over as he searched for some documents in a box that he placed on his desk.

America walked towards the Russian, who immediately stopped what he was doing and turned to America in a hasty and nervous manner.

"Well," said Russia, trying to disguise his dread and surprise, "it's been a while since you've come to my office. What do you want from me?"

"Well, then," said America before he took a deep breath, "First of all, I'm sure you probably know that UN 'detained' you. Secondly...
"Are you hiding something?"

Those were the same words China had asked Russia a month ago.


Word Count: 1066

Dinshdisnciekdnokamd the words are getting less and less and that's due to my demotivation and sadness

No I'm not depressed. I am totally fine

And I've decided to cut off here because I can, and I'm pretty sure the next chapter might have the same word count as this one.

I was trying out a new brush and a new painting style so apologies if the chapter art appears sloppy and lazy

I'm sorru

P.s. sorry for constantly complaining about my tiredness

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