chapter 12

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'hope is not the goal'

'hope is not the goal'

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"Why would you do that?" Josie snapped at Georgie as the girl sat on the dock, the silence between them finally broken as Josie stood behind her in fury. "Why would you sacrifice yourself for my dad like that? Do you really think your life means so little?"

Georgie turned her head slightly to look at Josie from the corner of her eye, noticing the Saltzman's defence stance and angry glare at the Lockwood hybrid. Georgie scoffed slightly before turning her body so that she could fully look at the witch in confusion. Georgie had been aware Josie was angry at her after the girl had refused to speak to her all of the night prior and it seemed that this morning was going to be no different.

"Sorry, you're annoyed at me for trying to keep him from harm?" Georgie scowled back, unsure as to why Josie was annoyed at her. She thought that the girl would have been grateful for pushing her dad out of the way of the gargoyle, but it seemed the complete opposite.

"I'm annoyed at you for risking your own life!" Josie snapped back, anger and hurt evident in her eyes as she continued to glare deeply at Georgie with a fury that the Lockwood girl didn't know she had in her - especially when talking to her. "Do you have any idea what I'd do if you died?"

Georgie stood up at this, her arms also crossed as she looked back at Josie in hurt that the girl was getting offended by her actions to protect her. The hybrid moved to stand slightly closer to her, and Josie noticed the tear tracks that she hadn't been able to see before.

"If I died? Josie, do you even have a single clue what I'd do if you died? It's not just me that would be left behind, Alaric and Lizzie and Caroline would be devastated! Your uncle Damon would never forgive himself for not being there, nor would the rest of your extended family! I have no one Josie, it would be better me than you."

Josie paused, her mouth dropping slightly as she watched Georgie heave a little after letting out her rant. She knew that her family would have been devastated if she died, but she hadn't even thought that Georgie would have ever considered that Josie's life was more important than the hybrids.

"Don't you see that Josie? I would die if it meant protecting you. I'd literally die for you," Georgie muttered, annoyed at herself for shouting at the girl over something that was outwith her control. She looked down at her feet, kicking at the wooden planks of the dock as she avoided eye contact with the siphoner.

Josie felt her anger drop, moving forward on a whim and grabbing Georgie's hands in her own. The girls stood close to each other as Josie searched the Lockwood's face before lightly lying the palm of her hand along the hybrid's cheek.

"Georgie, I don't want you to die for me. I want you to live for me."

Georgie searched Josie's eyes, suddenly very aware of the low tone she was speaking in and the sudden lack of space between their bodies. She was hyper aware of the feeling of Josie's palm against her cheek, lifting her own hand and lightly placing hers on top of it as they both shuffled closer to each other.

lockwood's legacy [josie saltzman][on hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now