Inevitable You

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As he looks around, no one looking back at him, he realizes that everyone else knew.

“What the fuck, Scott. You - you knew about this? EVERYONE knew about this?”

Scott looks up at him for a split second and he sees the guilt in this stupid puppy-dog eyes.

Malia shifts towards him, as if to put a reassuring hand on his arm. “Stiles -” she starts, but he holds up a hand.

“No. You knew too, didn’t you? And you? Fucking everyone, everyone knew about this but me.” Stiles looks accusingly around the circle at his friends - the people that had been keeping secrets from him - his friends.

“Fuck you guys. Fuck you,” he says, low, trying to reign in his anger. He still hasn’t learned how to completely control himself, it’s only been - it’s only been two weeks since -

“I’m assuming you knew the whole time?” He asks the room, hoping at least one person will have the guts to answer him. Stiles’ eyes roll across face after face, Scott, Malia, Erica, Kira, Isaac, Allison, Lydia, Boyd -

Boyd, who is looking him straight in the eye and nodding solemnly.

“Thank you,” Stiles says, and turns to leave.

“Stiles, wait, it’ll be fine, just -”

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