Chapter 17 (fully edited) 1943

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"Well, I'm a convict. I was released a few days ago, and I know I'm not a good person, but I wanted to meet the daughter I didn't raise. I'll admit I was a really bad person, but I have changed, and I hope you see that and talk to me. I still do love your mother, but hearing the news from the doctor that my daughter won't be able to fish with me or go swimming with me was awful news. I needed time to process that information. I have been through many anger management classes and care about you. I hired somebody to track your mother down when I got out of prison about a month ago. I've found you, and I know that you probably don't want anything to do with me. But, I wanted to try and be a father figure for you now if you'll allow me" He started tearing up.

"I never even knew you existed, so you have to give me time to think about all this new information. I just found out you're my father and I thought you were dead. This is a little shocking to me. I need time!" I explained.

"It's okay Kylie I understand," my father said.

My father got up and started to walk out of the room. Before he could go, I wrapped him up in a big hug and told him that I'm glad I finally met him again and that he was my father. I have to start somewhere forgiving.

He pulled away and asked, "what's that for?" As he smiled.

"In case I never get to do it again, mom is overprotective of me because I'm fragile as it is. She doesn't need anything else added to her drama-filled hard life." I expressed.

"You know your mom can be very manipulative and controlling."

"I know, but the only way she can show love is by protecting me," I explained.

"Your mother is one of a kind." he smiled as he looked in the other direction.

"I know," I said as I patted his shoulder.

"Alright, let me give you information about where I'm staying and my phone number. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay." I grabbed the receipt sitting on the chair next to the hospital bed.

He wrote his number on the receipt of the food he bought me. I looked at it, and it was a local hotel up the road. He walked out of the room and closed the door. Just then my mom woke up,



"Yes, your father is alive, but I actually didn't know much about him, sweetie. I thought he left us."

"Mom, he went to prison."

"For what?"

"I don't know. We didn't get into details."

"Okay, all you need to know is that your father is a manipulative man."

I knew her more than he does, but my mom and I typically didn't spend much time together. She was always working, always doing something else, or I was. When one of us was free, the other was busy.

"That's what he said about you, Mom. Get some rest, visitation is almost over, and I must go home!"

"Okay, goodnight" I kissed her forehead and headed outside. I took out my phone and called Marissa,


"Marissa, life never gives me a break, but I just need a ride home please?" I asked while wiping tears from my eyes with one hand.

"I'm busy right now, I'm not even in town, but I'm so sorry to hear that I will be in town tomorrow and we can talk about it then."

"Okay, bye"

I messaged Mystery Man, the stranger with whom I had one amazing night.

"Hey, Mystery Man!" I messaged him off Instagram,

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