Chapter 22 (fully edited) 2169

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"Good morning,'' I said to myself as I looked in the mirror. It was going to be a great day. I got up from sleeping until 10 am and almost tripped down the stairs to turn on the television. It was horrifying. There was a car accident in the area where Kyle and I skipped rocks. Some people were killed from drowning to be exact. They suffocated under such pressure; I couldn't imagine it. They couldn't get their windows down. A couple of days ago, someone was killed in a hit-and-run, and the person got away. People didn't take crime or accidents seriously until it was too late. It was getting worse. I knew what I could do to try and make this situation better. Immediately I texted Kyle, thinking, "I can't believe this is my boyfriend now?"

"Hey, are you up yet? I'm watching the news." I texted him.

"Yes, I am. My favorite little star, what's up?" Kyle texted me and made me blush. Just that little term of endearment sent shocks through me.

"I was watching the news, and I'm worried sick about you," I texted him anxiously, waiting for him to respond.


"You know the spot where we skipped rocks? People drowned there and" I was texting him.

He interrupted, "Alright, calm down, you."

"I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Can you come over and spend the night later? I want to watch movies with you" I said while I hoped he would come over.

"I will be over tonight, just for you, my darling little star; how about 7?" He asked me.

"See you then" I was so happy.

I didn't know what else to do but just waited for time to tick by. I couldn't think of anything to do but wait for time to go by. I called my dad to come over as I waited impatiently.

"Dad, can you come over?" I said into the phone.

"Sure, should I bring pizza?" He said to me, He had gotten a job as a manager of the local pizza shop. It was great pizza. It was always busy because the food was delicious. He couldn't get much else because of his convict status. He never told me what he went to prison for, and I never really wanted to know why. I am sure I could have looked it up online, but I decided he would tell me if I needed to know. Not like I need to be immature and broadcast that across the television. LOL.

"Sure!" I said.

He arrived 15 minutes later. We sat and talked. We talked about my mother and if there were any updates on her whereabouts. We talked about my new boyfriend. We talked about him moving in slowly so I would have a parent or someone looking after me. He did say that he would be stern but tolerant, as he knew we both had issues.

It was good that my mother had the house paid for, as all that was due were the real estate taxes, regular maintenance, and utility bills. She had the home titled in my name as well as the car. She must have planned to leave for some reason. There was also a reasonable amount of money in the account that had my name on it also.

My father didn't stay long, but I was still watching the clock.

Hour by hour, I just watched the clock tick by. My mother had a grandfather clock that she found around the area. It was almost 7, and I decided to make popcorn and season it. It tasted so good. Yum.

Seven O'clock, and he still wasn't there. I was getting worried. I sat down again on the couch. I know he didn't stand me up, as it wasn't like him! What could have happened to him? It was now 7:30 at night, and I realized he wasn't coming over. Maybe he just had something else come up. Why didn't he text me, though? It was now 8 pm, and that is when I checked my phone. A notification popped up,

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