Chapter 25 (fully edited) 1561

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The next day came faster than you can imagine, and I was starting to feel better. I wasn't bugged continuously by my father because I was eating and doing everyday things again. I was around Neisha most of the time, and she helped me realize many things. I thought she was this bad guy the whole time, but she wasn't. She just tried to live her life, and then bad things happened in her life. She turned bitter and pushed people away.

It was a Sunday, which usually meant the day of rest, but I took it as the first day of the rest of my life. Every day was just another day, and now that I had released my emotions for Kyle and finally had closure, I felt much better about everything.

I posted a recent photo of me on Instagram; I wrote to everyone, "Hey guys, I'm super sorry for all the time I have taken off Instagram" I continued, " I had some hard things going on in my life, and I'm working on it, but I'm back." Within a few minutes, I already had twenty likes. Usually, I had two. I'm glad people were happy about my mental health and understanding. I received a follow request from Neisha.lover2, which was Neisha. I found her username quite funny. I should ask her about it. I knew it was her because, before the follow request, she texted me immediately and said she had requested to follow me.

After she followed me, she liked all of my posts as I heard my phone buzzing and then commented on my most recent, "I'm so glad we are friends now, and I'm sorry I judged you before I knew who you were." I liked her comment back, and somebody else commented on her statement.

"@Neisha.lover2, what are you talking about? Kylie is my best friend, and she's been going through a hard enough time, don't act like you are here for her to stab her in the back." It was Marissa. Marissa felt upset because she felt I was replacing her.

"@Marissa.serena, where are you, then? I need you now, and you aren't here to help me. @Neisha.lover2 has helped me by being here. Where are you?" I replied I was happy with Neisha in my life, and I enjoyed her presence. We didn't hate each other, and we grew together.

Then I got a direct message from Marissa. "What do you mean she helped you?" she said interrogating me. I was upset at her, so I left her message on seen for a few minutes then, finally, I did respond.

"Kyle died, and she helped me get over it. Where were you when she was helping me? You were supposed to be the one to help me." I replied to her. I was sitting in my bed thinking about everything Marissa and I's friendship had survived.

"I'm coming over right now!" Marissa messaged me back. I wasn't ready for company, I wasn't happy at the moment, and I just wanted to be alone, but Marissa almost always made me feel better, so I allowed her over.

"Ok," I replied glumly.

"Okay, I will be over there in twenty minutes," she stated

"K," I responded, upset at her. However, I was ready to mend our friendship.

When Marissa arrived, she knocked persistently at the door. My father was in his room, probably watching football or something. I didn't answer the door. I went back to my room, sat down, and pretended to watch TV in my room. My father answered the door.

"Hey there, Marissa. Kylie is in her room alone. She has been pretty on edge lately, so be careful," I heard from the distance; Marissa made her way to my bedroom door.

"Kylie, we need to talk. You said I could come over, now quit being stubborn and open the damn door." I opened the door after she pounded on it.

"What do you want?" I said as I slammed the door after she walked in.

"I want to talk." She looked disturbed by the door slamming.

"Why?" I said as I grumbled. I felt so upset with her. I needed her the most, and she was around the least.

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