29 January

145 10 2

Dear Ashton,

New York is definitely different. The hustle and bustle of this ever-changing and restless city has definitely taken my mind off of everything. I've found a cute cafe where I spend most of my free time in. It's only been four weeks and they've already memorized my order. They always save the spot in the corner for me, every day at four o'clock. I spend that time reading books and catching up on social media. It's been pretty busy; my father's connections are always nice, letting me reestablish myself in this new environment without much of a hassle. I remember how you always joked that you were only with me for him.

Maybe that was true.

Dad's always the one that looked at me with the most pity after I told him that you left. Was it because he played a part in your departure?

I wish people would stop hiding things from me. 

I miss your body lying next to mine,


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