CHAPTER 6 - Mr. Flair Romeo

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"Yay! Congrats darling!" My mom whirled me around as she was overjoyed. "Don't abandon me!" My dad faked a puppy face. "Oh, my handsome hero! Let's hit the floor!" I dragged him and danced until my mom stood on the cliff of jealousy.

"Do you have any idea of putting some clothes on? You're swaying all around with just a towel." She chuckled, leaning on the wall with crisscrossed arms.

"Eww! I forgot it in the total happening." I excused myself and walked with a spring in my step to ascend the stairs.

"So there are two surprises wrapped in a single present! That's hilarious, huh?" I stopped moving as I heard my mom exclaim. No doubt, she mentioned Jas's name as a surprise. Just after I realized Jas would not join me, my face drained of joy. But my poor ladylove doesn't know about his plan to shift cities.

"Mom, he's not joining this university." I said it in an easy-peasy tone, as I didn't want to create huge attention. Yet, my efforts to say it effortlessly went in vain. "What? But why?" They both panicked, just like me when I heard this last night.

"Er, he wants to leave California. So he'll probably not join." I took a deep breath and leisurely mounted the stairs.

"Oof! Honey, hold on. Do you know why he made this choice?" She left her posture and hustled to reach me. I didn't know what to say. I stood still until she shook me for the response. "Well, he needs a change, mom. That's it. Nothing to worry." As I hugged her compactly, a tear from my eye rolled down. By hiding it casually, I made it up to my room.

I didn't know why I cried. Maybe my heart ached for his departure, or maybe it's because I hadn't yet poured my heart out to anyone about it.

By holding my doltish thoughts away, I quickly dressed myself in a brown leather jacket worn over a stripped t-shirt with cuffed skinny jeans and sneakers. I left my hair untied. Not because I loved it that way, but because I didn't know what style I should prefer.

I grabbed a few books quickly and stuffed them into my blue plaid canvas backpack. I rushed down, as I was behind schedule. "El, have your breakfast." My mom shouted. "Nah, mom. I got late." I grabbed an apple from the basket and ran to my blackbird.

Though I pedalled quickly, I could only manage to reach the school at the eleventh hour. My friends were already waiting for me near the parking lot.

"You deserve the Best Latecomer of All Time award, El." Joe exclaimed as I parked my blackbird and walked towards them. "I'll be glad to receive that!" I said. At least, due to my courtesy, they're unfettered for the first hour.

"Okay guys. I have good news for you all." I was not that thrilled, yet I have to be peppy enough in front of them. Larry adjusted his tousled hair, asking, "Wow, El! What's that?"

"I got shortlisted for UC Berkeley." I gave a radiant smile, dimming the bright sunshine of the spring.

"Awe! Happy for you, my girl!" Clara jumped on me out of joy.

"Jas too." I exhaled a deep breath as I hugged her. She gently loosened my arms and stepped back after a while.

Jas cleared his throat mildly after I disclosed "But I", Before he could complete, I intruded, saying, "Yeah, of course, we know you won't join there." He just nodded his head as he felt uneasy talking about it further. "Then what's your plan after exams?" Larry worried about him.

"I've applied for St. Lawrence University. I'm uncertain if they'll accept my late proposal. If they didn't, I thought of taking a year's break." He altered his stance and stood against me. He tamely took hold of my hand.

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