Chapter 38

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You and Bakugou decided to eat out today, since he was talking about craving spicy food since morning. After that, you walked around town for a bit, enjoying each other's company.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Well duh."

"I think it's time for me to visit Mira's grave."

He stood silent for a moment before deciding to answer.

"Why the sudden thought?"

"Well, if we battle against the villains, I know I'm going to regret not visiting her grave.. if I don't make it-"



His eyes widened when you tightened your hand around his.

"Tsk. If you think you're ready to do it, then let's go."

You looked up at the cloudy sky and took a deep breath.

"Yeah.. I am."


You kneeled down in front of the stone, placing some flowers on top of it. Bakugou was standing behind you silently.

"Hey, Mira. Sorry it took me this much time.. I couldn't come that day, I was too injured, but I don't think I would've handled seeing you like this for the last time. I just couldn't say goodbye yet.."

Tears ran down your eyes and you quickly wiped them away with the back of your hand.

"You don't have to worry about me! Aizawa is looking after me as always, and I have Katsuki as well! I couldn't be any more grateful. I just wish that you were here with me.. part of me still thinks that it is my fault, but you wouldn't want me to think like that right?"

Your voice started trembling as you tried to hold back your tears.

"I love you.. so much. I'm happy that those were the last words I said to you, but then again, why last? I really miss you, Mira. I hope you're doing alright, wherever you are."

You touched the cold stone softly before getting up. Bakugou wrapped his arm around you and you two walked away.

"At least I know she's happy that I kept my promise."

"What promise?"

"To never let go of you." you said, looking at him with a small smile, his eyes widening at your reply. "Surprisingly, she trusted you. I mean, she wasn't afraid of you breaking my heart. I really don't know why she didn't like Aizawa that much though." you chuckled.

Bakugou hugged you tightly, your eyes widening at his sudden action. You closed them and a saddened smile formed on your lips.

"Why the sudden hug?" you whispered.

"No reason..." he whispered back.

Your smile fell as warm tears finally ran down your eyes. You gripped the back of his jacket as he rested his head on top of yours, letting you release all your emotions freely.


You two entered the dorms and saw everyone gathered around in the living area.

"So you decided to come?"

"Aizawa? What happened?"

"We're attacking next week. Those scumbags have created two High-End Nomus and some other 'normal' ones. As much as I hate to put you all into this, your help will be benefitial and appreciatable. You have the rest of the week off, so I need you to train hard and be prepared alright?"

Everyone agreed, so Aizawa finally left.

"We're really going to do this huh.." Kaminari murmured.

"Don't worry guys! I'm sure we're going to win if we do our best!" Midoriya exclaimed.

You chuckled lightly, drawing everyone's attention.

"You really like pep talk don't you?"

He blushed and looked away, some of your friends laughing at his reaction.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE BLUSHING AT HUH?" Bakugou shouted while Sero held him back from attacking poor Deku.

"Let's watch a movie, shall we?" Kirishima nervously asked while waving the remote up and down.

"Yeah right. I'll go to bed. You extras do whatever you want." he grunted while pushing Sero off him.

"Come on Katsuki!" you pouted.

"You should go to bed as well idiot! We have the rest of the week for training not slacking off!" he picked you up no matter how many times you told him not to. "Listen here ya damn extras! I don't care what you do, if I hear even the slightest bit of noise while trying to sleep I will come downstairs and blast you all, got it?!"

Everyone nodded, not a single word coming from them. You waved goodnight to your classmates, them chuckling at you, then finally let yourself be carried by Bakugou like a sack again.

"I'm going to bed too. I need to wake up early tomorrow." Todoroki said.

"We should wrap it up actually, we shouldn't take this lightly." Jirou added while yawning.

Everyone went to bed eventually, the whole building getting filled with nothing but silence.

You were in Bakugou's room, since you felt more comfortable sleeping with him. You glanced at him, noticing that he wasn't sleeping either.

"What are you thinking about?"

He flinched as you spoke up, startling you as well.

"Jesus! Why aren't you sleeping dammit?"

"I'm sorry?"

He sighed and a small smile formed on his lips. He made you come closer to him and started grazing his fingers on your shoulder playfully.

"I was thinking about next week. Although I'm for sure going to smoke their ass, I don't know why I keep thinking about it."

"Yeah.. me too."

He glanced at you, looking at your moody expression, then lifted himself from the bed, laying on top of you.

"Ah shit, you're heavy." you breathlessly said.

"Deal with it." he replied while wrapping his arms around you.

You sighed and rested your one hand on his back, the other one carressing his cheek. You looked at him and a warm smile formed on your face.

"You're so cute, I wanna squeeze you." you whispered.

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try!" he exclaimed, raising his head from your chest, making you put your hand on top of his mouth right after.

"You're going to wake everyone up! So much for wanting to wake up early tomorrow!" you whispered once again.

"I don't give a damn." he replied while leaning closer to you.

You tried to hide your red cheeks by covering them with your hands but he moved them from your face and kissed the top of them sweetly. You then placed them around his shoulders and brought him closer to you, giving him a loving kiss on the lips.

"Let's try and get some sleep shall we?"

You made him lay on top of you once again and started playing with his soft hair, letting him hide his face in the crook of your neck while wrapping his arms around your waist.

I'm going to make sure to destroy them once and for all.. so that they don't take anyone else away from me.

You glanced at Bakugou's sleeping figure and kissed his forehead, bringing him closer to you.

Even if it means that I have to sacrifice myself for it.

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