Chapter 32

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Two weeks..

You were in your hospital bed for two weeks, since your injuries were pretty bad. Not only the injuries, but mental health as well. You weren't eating much, you were constantly sleeping, trying to, most of the time. You had been transferred to a private room in UA, being under Recovery Girl's care, Midnight would visit you from time to time and help you sleep. No other person was allowed to visit you, except from Aizawa of course. You haven't seen Bakugou or your friends since that day.

It was evening. You were sitting on your bed, resting your back on the bedframe. Recovery Girl entered the room with a tray full of food, but you weren't in the mood to eat anything. She sighed and gave you a small smile before leaving the tray next to your bed. Not long after, however, Aizawa entered as well.

"I'm seriously going to force you if you don't eat right now."

He placed the food tray on his lap and sat next to your bed.

"I'm not hungry."

Mira's funeral was a couple of days ago, but you didn't want to go. You weren't ready to face reality yet. You had talked with her family on the phone, and they kept telling you how none of this was your fault and how they still loved you the same, but none of this felt right to you. You felt this huge guilt keeping you from moving on.

"Want me to braid your hair like I did when you were little?" he asked, trying to lighten your mood.

"I don't want to end up with bald patches on my head." you murmured, the faintest smile appearing on your face.

'Aizawa you're pulling my hair way too hard!'

'It's because you're moving so damn much!'

'Well it hurts that's why I'm moving!'

'Stop complaining you problem child! I'm trying my best!'

And the final look was so bad but you still kept it.

"Well, it's either that or you're gonna eat."

Aizawa put the small bowl of soup on your lap and basically forced you to eat. You took a hold of the spoon and started stirring the soup.

"Your wounds have been healing nicely I've heard." he said, trying to change the subject, but you didn't reply. "Everyone is waiting for you, don't you think it's best if you left this place already?"

"I don't know..."

He looked at your state. You had lost weight, had faint dark circles, you were covered in bandages and also had a patch on your cheek from Shigaraki's scratch. Most importantly however, you wouldn't talk much, wouldn't smile. It was like you were lifeless. You felt weak.

Aizawa wouldn't allow your friends to visit you. He was afraid of the thought that they would say something that would trigger or upset you more. He just wanted to give you as much time as you needed to rest and feel better, but he knew that you wouldn't move on without some persuation.

He took the bowl off your hands and placed it on a table next to the tray, making you look at him confused.

"You know that I don't do this often, so listen well. You had no other option! It was either you, or Mira. You had no idea of the threat, they are villains, (y/n), did you expect them to let her go that easily with just a warning? And in the end, we saved you and captured most of the villains. Everyone was so glad that you were safe, no one got badly injured either. But right now, they are very worried about you!"

Your lips parted slightly.

"When your friends ask me about you every single morning, I reply with a 'she is doing fine'. If not them, have you thought of Bakugou? How he's handling the fact that he doesn't know about your well-being or when he is going to see you again?"

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