Chapter 4

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Many days had passed and it was finally time for the sports festival. You had walked to school with a small piece of sweet bread in your hand, because Mira basically forced you to take it with you, saying that you wouldn't win the festival with an empty stomach. You ate it quickly and then entered UA, where you met your friends.

"How are you all feeling?" you asked.

"Nervous." Uraraka chuckled.

You smiled softly at her answer. You kept having small talks with everyone when eventually, they announced that the festival was starting.

You all gathered in the middle of the arena. Midnight started talking to the crowd, when she announced that Bakugou, the one who represented the students, was going to give a speech.

This is going to be interesting.

It seemed like everyone was praying that Bakugou wouldn't mess up or say rude things, but everyone's hopes faded as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I pledge, that I'll be number one."

"Dear god." you whispered while covering your face with your hands.

The students started yelling at him, obviously unhappy with his choice of words. As funny as it was, he was dragging everyone, including you, into this mess as well.


A long time had passed and you had finished the first two events. Cooperating with everyone wasn't that hard, and you ended up with a lot of points. You didn't have to use your quirk as you had enough strength on your own, though the battle tournament was going to start any moment now so you took a seat next to your classmates.

You watched the battles with slight interest, waiting for your turn to come. Deku kept talking to himself while writing on his notebook, making you want to scream 'SHUT UP' at him, though you knew that it would upset him. Bakugou on the other hand didn't have that problem so he easily started cursing at him.

After what felt like forever, they announced that you were up, with none other than Bakugou.

"(y/n), good luck!" whispered Uraraka, with your other friends giving you thumbs up as well.

"Thank you!"

You entered the arena and stood across from Bakugou, a grin forming on his lips as soon as your eyes met his. The battle began and Bakugou's hands formed huge explosions, startling you. You hadn't expected them to be that big. He jumped through all the smoke and punched you right in the face, making you stumble far behind.

After managing to get up you easily avoided his attacks, making him feel irritaded as he watched you fight him without using your quirk.

"Use your quirk you coward!" he shouted. "What's so special about it anyways?" he blasted two explosions which came right at you, faintly burning your arms that were trying to protect your face, enough for some blood to come out.

"Black.. her blood is, black?" Uraraka murmured from where she was watching you fight Bakugou, Deku having an amazed expression on his face.

You touched your arms and winced. Walking closer to him, your face had an angered yet relaxed expression on it.

"What's so special about it?" you whispered, still walking towards him slowly. "What's so special about you?"

You placed your hands in front of your body, moving your fingers slowly. Bakugou suddenly fell on his knees and you copied his surprised expression in a mocking manner. You 'released' him and he gripped his shirt, gasping for air.

"Not much of a badass now are we?" you smirked.

Getting tired of waiting for him to catch his breath, you took the opportunity and punched him hard on his jaw, him struggling to keep his posture after noticing that he was getting closer to the end of the circle. He took deep breaths and went for another attack, only for you to stop him again.

Your fingers started closing slowly, ready to form a fist, but you stopped right before doing so. Instead, you kept one hand in front of you while slowly lifting the other one, Bakugou's head tilting backwards with your movements. Everyone from the crowd watched with so much interest that almost nothing could be heard.

Your sweaty face and trembling arms indicated that you were exhausted, but your serious facial expression never changed. Bakugou was about to faint so you grabbed him by the colar of his shirt, glared at him and threw him off the bounds, ending the battle.

You were declared the winner.

Bakugou was sent to the infirmary, whereas you were keeping yourself from collapsing in the middle of the arena. You looked up at your classmates, who had shocked expressions on their faces, and after a moment of silence, everyone started cheering for you.

They are.. cheering for me?

You looked at your hands and smiled. You felt powerful. Proud. But most importantly, happy.

(y/n) (l/n). First quirk : Blood Bending.

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