Chapter 6

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You had finally arrived home and as soon as she saw you, Mira came to congratulate you for your win.

"I am so proud of you!" she exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you, Mira." you hugged her tightly.

"I'm sure your parents would be proud as well." she softly said, though, you didn't reply.

"Sorry, I'm pretty tired and I want to lay down."

"Of course! Get some rest."

You went up the stairs to your room, took a quick shower and then layed down. You left your medal on top of your night stand and started scrolling through your phone absent mindedly.

Suddenly, you got plenty of notifications at once. You opened your messages and saw that you were added to a group chat with only the girls of your class. You figured that Uraraka would have added you, since she was the only one who knew your phone number.

The girls wanted to go to the mall the following day and they asked you to come with them, which you accepted after some thought. After that, you put your phone down and fell asleep.


"I'm going out Mira!"

"Going out? With who?" she asked excitedly.

"Some friends."

"Alright, have fun!"

Secretly, she really wanted you to have a boyfriend. Or someone who would make you feel safer, happier, loved. Give you what you had missed over the years. She knew that no matter how many times she tried, she wouldn't fill that missing spot in your heart.

You wore a casual tight black dress, but your eyes narrowed when you noticed that it was slightly shorter from the last time you had worn it. You hadn't gone shopping in a long time and you thought that you already had whatever you needed, hence why it seemed that way.

The girls had informed you not to dress as casual, because there was going to be a surprise, so you wore a little bit of makeup as well. As soon as you arrived, you saw them wave at you from afar.

"(y/n), you look so good!" said Mina, taking your hands in hers.

"Thank you." you smiled.

The other girls had chosen to wear dresses as well, and some of them skirts. Without waiting any longer you asked,

"So, what is the surprise?"

They pointed behind you and what you saw made you mentally face palm yourself.

The guys? And Bakugou? Great.

"Why is this a surprise?" you nervously chuckled.

"We wanted to make sure that you felt like you are a part of us, and we wanted to show you that we care about you like we care about each other!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"That's so thoughtful guys, thank you!" you replied, having a hard time processing everything that was happening.

You greeted the guys and you all started walking around the mall. You made small talk with Kirishima and Kaminari, those guys were really something else.

"How did you manage to get Bakugou?" you chuckled.

"Oh boy was it hard. But he eventually came." said Kaminari.

"He acted like a real man." replied Kirishima.

You decided to approach him a little since he was walking behind everyone in silence.


"What do you want."

"Just thought I'd join you so that you don't, you know, feel lonely."

"Ha! I'm not lonely, I couldn't care less!" he puffed his chest out while pointing at himself.

You knew that deep down, he felt even the slightest bit of loneliness regardless of his words. You decided to change the subject.

"I like your outfit." you pointed out.

He was wearing a total black outfit with a grey jacket on top.

"Didn't have a choice. My parents are stylists." he murmured.

"Oh really? I think that's awesome!"

"No it's not, they could've been heroes."

"Well I think it's cool. Besides, we kind of match." you smiled.

He glanced at your outfit and blushed, as the dress was tight around your chest area. He then sighed and continued walking forward, tilting his head backwards. There was a moment of silence, but he decided to speak up eventually.

"What about your parents? They have pretty strong quirks so-"

"They were Pro Heroes."

"Pro heroes? That's so fucking cool! Who are they?"

As soon as those words left his mouth, realization hit him. All the information you had told him about your quirks ran through his mind as he prayed that his conclusions were actually wrong.

"Pro Heroes Mind and Cell."

His eyes widened.

"Y-You are the daughter of Mind and Cell?" Deku asked.

Your classmates were staring at you surprised as well after hearing Midoriya's words.

"Pro Hero Mind, who had mind control and Pro Hero Cell, who had blood bending. The second part makes sense, though, do you have the ability of mind control as well?" he added, mentally wishing that he had brought his notebook.

"Let's stop here guys." Momo stressed.

"It's okay. Well, I do also have mind control but it is kind of different. My mother could only control people whereas I can make them see whatever I want only if I pass my blood into them." you said, trying to stop your hands from shaking by playing with your fingers. "Hence why my blood is black, if you noticed."

"But aren't Mind and Cell..."

"My parents passed away years ago. When I was only 5. So it doesn't really matter to me anymore. I didn't have a close relationship with them to begin with."

They looked at you as if they wanted to ask you so many things, but they knew that it wasn't the right time. They planned this day for you especially, and they didn't want to ruin it. More than they already had.

"We are sorry that we put you in such a spot." Uraraka murmured, hugging you.

"Don't apologize, I understand that you were curious. It's normal, to be honest. You consider yourself family because you know so much about each other, so I get it if you want to find out more about me as well."

You made small talk with them and continued walking towards a cafeteria that caught your eye. When nobody was looking, Bakugou put his hand on top of your head and ruffled your hair.

"What was that for?"

"Shut up." he said, looking away.

You couldn't help but smile. You spent the rest of the day with your classmates, and surprisingly, you had lots of fun. You knew for sure, that you would never forget this day

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