Chapter 9

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WARNING: Graphic and gross imagery happens in this chapter.

I couldn't sleep. As tired as I was I couldn't sleep. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. I got up and closed all the curtains in the house, but still had that nagging feeling.

It was intense and unnerving feeling that overcame me. Nope fuck this. I don't care if I'm weak or not, I'm not staying here. I'll just visit Leia.

I grabbed my keys from the table near the door. They felt off. They were wet and slimy. I looked at them, they were covered that thick black gunk. I dropped them. I didn't even want to question it. Fuck it, I'll catch a Lyft or something.

Walking outside, things were strange. The air outside felt uncomfortable. It felt sharp, cold, too cold for fall; it was almost to thin to breathe in. The sky was covered in dark gloomy grey clouds.

Eventhough I was outside, the intense feeling of being watched only grew. A gush of harsh wind blew at me, filling my nose with the scent of death and decay. I gagged at such a potent stench.

I pulled out my phone to call someone, but only got a black. It was completely charged. I finally managed to turn it on, but the only thing that came across my screen were the words I warned you. You cannot escape fate.

No, I was dreaming. I just needed to wake up that's all. I just needed to wake up.
I tried my best to will myself awake, but nothing worked. I was still here.

"Hey baby girl," I heard someone call to me.

Leia. Her hair was frizzled. Her red completely dull and faded. A crooked and bent out of place smile took shape on her face, with her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She slowly opened her mouth never breaking eye contact with me. When it was open wide enough dark and muddy water started to spill from her mouth. It poured all over the concrete below her and turned into dark squirming maggots. Her eyes started to tear up and the same substance began to spew out. It stained her face and clothes. Yet she seemed unphased.

"Don't worry dear child, no harm will come to you. So stop trying to free yourself," she garbled through the sludge. "Give into your destiny."

That wasn't her voice. I wanted to wake up, but I started to fear that I wasn't dreaming. I ran back onto the house, slamming the door behind me.

There was a distant sound of crying coming from upstairs. It was quite at first but got louder. It sounded like Leia, but it slowly became distorted. Leia or not I'm not going up there.

Just as that thought entered my head, I heard something else coming from my room. A bubbling and wet plopping noise that drew closer. I trembled with dread as I looked over in that direction. Out from the shadows this creature gagging and choking for air, covered in that stupid black goo, was crawling, making its way towards me.

It paused the moment it met my gaze. This thing had no features. There was no expression. I couldn't even find a place were the sounds of breathing came from. It was just black oily slime in a crude human form. It continued to head towards me.

I slowly backed away from it as I continued to struggle forward. I ended up at the base of the stairs that lead to the attic. I was trapped. Either I go upstairs or let this thing get me.

I wasn't about to go investigate up stairs, but I didn't want to face this blob. Befire I could move, it grabbed my leg. It's limbs were cold and clammy. I tried to fight it but it's body was too sticky. My hits seem to have little to no impact. In a matter of minutes it over powered me.

It was now face to what I could assume was a face to me. Teeth emerged from the dark endless black abyss to form a mangled grin. I screamed, the moment I opened my mouth it vomited inside it. I choked on the taste of rotted earth and ash, as an endless stream rushed down my throat.

I turned my head and coughed up as much as I could, throwing it up onto the floor. It was too tough to breathe. I closed my eyes. I begged to be let out of this dream. I prayed. I prayed to who ever would listen.

"Oh God, Silvia. Silvia breathe please."

I opened my eyes. Conrad was standing over me. My head was wet and I was still laying at the foot of the attic stairs. I turned over and coughed up more of the substance onto his floor already covered with it.

I shot up, looking around. I was dizzy and highly confused. Adrenaline and fear ran heavily through my veins.

"Where did it go?!?"

I was caught up in a panic, ready to defend myself.

"Where did what go?"

"That thing, it was right here! It was right over me. It it, oh God," I gagged. I could still taste it.

He hugged me as a simple way comfort me. I was hysterical, and still trembling.

"There's nothing here. I just came home to find you laying on the floor, just throwing up this stuff. What even is this?"

I shook my head,"no it was real. It was there, it grabbed me. It was, I saw them."

Leia. Fuck she could be in trouble. I scrambled to get to my feet, but Conrad stopped me.

"Woah, no you shouldn't be trying to stand."

"No, let me go. I have to see her. She in danger," I tried to get past him.


"Leia. They're gonna kill her. They're gonna kill her cause of me. It's my fault. I have to stop them before it's too late," I begged him tears streaming down my face.

"Leia's fine. I promise nothing's gonna harm her. Just breathe," he tried his hardest to calm me.

He looked so troubled to see me like this. He was trying everything he could to stop me from panicking. It was all in vain.

I was convinced. I knew that thing was going to punish me for trying to baptize myself. They were going to kill her. No I didn't want that. I didn't want her tied up in some dark room torn to pieces by strangers. The fear that place had. The smell, the atmosphere. I needed to save her.

"No please! We have to go before it's too late. Please! She's gonna die," I begged him.

He gave in. I guess he figured that me seeing her would settle me down."Fine we'll see her, but we have to clean you up first."

"No, no time," I argued.

"Look if they see you like this then they're gonna try to put you back in. You don't look good. You look sick. Silvia if you want a chance of seeing her we have to clean you up."

I agreed he was right. The last thing I need was unwanted attention. I agreed to shower quickly, washing the vomit from my face and hair. Conrad took my clothes and towels  he used to clean up the hardwood floor and threw them in the wash.

I quickly threw on a simple dress. It was quick and easy. Though the shower did pull me from my hysterics, but I was still determined to save Leia.

Poor Conrad, I put him through so much trouble. I promise I'll make it up to him. He was in the kitchen pacing nervously and texting someone. I didn't realize how much he actually cared about me.

"I'm ready to go," I said nervously. " I'm sorry about your floor. I swear I'll make this up to you dude."

"Don't worry about it. You look much better. Are you sure you okay to go?"

I nodded. Saving her was my only goal. He sighed and grabbed his keys. I looked towards mine they were clean. Did I hallucinate that too? We went outside and it was sunny out. The air was warm and birds chirped in the distance. There was no evidence that Leia was ever here. We got into his car.

Hold on Lei, I'm coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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