Chapter 4

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The next morning seemed to go by so quickly. There was a small segment about my attack on the local news, "Killer Priest on the lose," they labeled it. Of course no names were released. It was all garbage. This place never gave a damn about me yet they had the nerve play up what happened for views. I turned it off.

I thought about what Father Goldworth said 'time is running out.' He was right my birthday was just around the corner. Then there was that dream, why Conrad? God his contorted face haunted me.

I was too lost in thought to notice my nurse coming in.

"Good morning. How are we doing today," he greeted me.

I didn't hear him at first.

"Hello, anyone there?"

"Oh hey, I'm sorry. Goodmorning," I smiled.

"How ya feeling," he said checking my chart.

"I mean pretty okay considering what happened," I pointed to my arm.

"Well, I can see, were just gonna check and make sure everything's okay. Then you can go down to the dining hall if you or courtyard."

"Can I smoke?"

"Not really, but it's only temporary. It says here you leave in four days," he reassured me.

That seemed manageable. After he did some simple test he left. I went down to dining to grab something to eat. There wasn't much that that caught my eye so I just got a plastic wrap blueberry muffin.

On my way back to my room something caught my eye. The was a hallway that was unusually empty with a flickering light at the end of it. I don't know why but I felt compelled to go down it. I stared at the shadows. Were they moving?

I took at step down there. This isn't right, stop go back to your room I thought. I couldn't help but take another step forward. They started to take shape the closer I got. I was almost completely down the hallway, when I felt someone grab my right arm.

"Oh hey you don't wanna go down there. That whole end is under heavy construction. It's not safe for someone to just wonder around."

I snapped out of it. I turned to face them. It was just another patient. She look at me and saw the muffin in my hand.

"I'm guessing there's nothing good at in the cafeteria?"

"Yeah. I just grabbed this, I wasn't really hungry," I said looking back down that hall.

At a second look it was evident that construction was going on. It tapped off with tarps covering the other end. How did I miss that?

I looked back at her. She was shorter than me, and skinnier too. Her hair was short and the somewhat vibrant red dye in it was fading. She was actually pretty cute to be honest.

"Sorry, I dont know what got into me. I thought I something, never mind. Thanks," I apologized.

"Wait a minute, you're that girl," she pointed at me. "Yeah, the one who's mom made a deal with the devil right?"

Fuck me. "Um yeah, I mean it's just a rumor. None of that really happened," I lied.

"But you're eyes and your hand," she looked confused.

"Birth marks and a rare form of heterocormia," I explained. "I guess living in a small town things gets blown up out of proportion. Kinda how I ended up here." I pointed at the bandages on my left arm.

She laughed," yeah I guess that's true. I'm Leia by the way."


"Well, I was going to the courtyard if you wanna go with me," she offered.

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