Chapter 3

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I woke up to the smell of something burning. There was a small fire that broke out at the other end of the room. I tried to get up but I couldn't, it felt like some like I was strapped down. The fire only grew.

"Help! Someone fire! I can't get out! Help," I screamed as loud as I could yet, no one came to help.

I tried pressing the nurse button but it was all in vain.

As the fire grew, it became harder and harder to breathe. I tried to get up again, but failed. This was all wrong. Why is this happening? Where is everyone?

"Help, please someone! I'm stuck, it's getting harder to breathe. Someone help me! Please," I screamed panicking.

There most be a way out of this. I was gonna burn alive. I struggled to get out of bed, but all I managed to do was know the blankets to the ground.

Hands. They were revealed underneath coming up from the bed and holding me down. Some tighten there grip however, some loosened up. One let go of my wrist. It looked withered. I quickly moved it before the hand could grab it me again. It started to crumble into ashes before me and simply blew away. I wasted little time grabbing ar the hand holding onto my other wrist and tried to pull it off.

It finally let go. Instead of it turning to ashes like the other one, it cracked and fell into itself. The pieces that were left became hard like stone. I took a decently sized piece and hit it against the third hand attached to my left leg till it let go. It made this high pitch screeching noise and writhe in pain. It was unhuman. The noise made the last one let go.

The last one transformed into a fiery red key. The screeching one stopped moving and turned into a bright silver key. I grabbed them both hoping one of the would get me out of here.

I jumped out of bed seconds before it was consumed by flames. I ran to the door and tried to get out. It was no use, it was locked from the outside. I could see through the door window and saw people walking around just outside. I was banging on the glass, but I was as if couldn't see or hear me.

I tried using the keys. I used the red one first. As I tried to unlock the door with it the flames grew higher and higher. It was as if the key was causing it. I quickly took it out and threw it into the flames. I used the silver key next. It worked, I dont know how but it did. I opened the door and quickly ran out into the hallway. The flames burst out the door. I ran for an exist, the fire following me. No there's no escape. This can't be happening. I found doors that lead out into the courtyard. I ran out, slamming the doors behind me. I let out a sigh of relief.

Somewhere close, someone was calling me. I turned around to see Conrad. He was he just standing there. What was he doing here. He raised his hand above his head and dropped it back at his side. I looked a back at the doors.

The fire was gone. Just gone, I turned and faced him. This time he was closer to me. He wouldn't stop starring at me. His eyes made me uncomfortable. It was like the fire had just disappeared into his eyes. He just smiled. This was getting weird.

"What are you doing here," I asked.

"You know why I am here."

Something wasn't right. I stepped back, but he grabbed my arm. I tried to pull my arm away from him, but he had a strong grip on me. Way stronger than he looked. His smile, it wasn't normal. It stretched longer winding across his face and curled in an unnatural position. His teeth were sharp and jagged. Almost to sharp to fit the shape of his mouth.

His nails dug into my arm cutting into it. I tried to make him let got, but I couldn't break free. He leaned closer to me. He gave off fumes of ash and copper. He kept leaning closer and closer.

Then he kissed me.

I sat up. I was awake now. It was a dream? But it felt so real. I was sweating and my arm stung.

I scanned the room everything seemed the same, except I wasn't alone. Someone was here with me. The T.V. was left on and the sounds of running water came from the bathroom in the other corner of my room.

I thought about just pretending like I was asleep and just wait for the person to come out. But after that dream, I don't know if I want to do that. I should just go and see who it is. No, if they saw me then what.

I decided to wait there, but be on my guard. The police were right outside my door, so they possibly wouldn't try to hurt me knowing that.

The door open and I was greeted with a friend dopey smile. Conrad. What was he doing here?

"Oh, you're finally awake. Nice to see you're okay," He said.

I was both suspicious and oddly relieved that it was him. Better than my mom. I tried to speak but only one thing came out,"what are you doing here?"

"I heard the what happened, and wanted to see if you were okay," he explained.

"Why," I asked him.

"Because you're my friend," he said.

Friend? I been called a lot of things, but friend. That word and I never really gotten along.

"We just met this morning."

"Yeah, but I was concerned."

"You stalking me?"

"Well, actually no. I volunteer here, I saw you were here. I just thought it would help to see a friendly face that's all. I can leave if you want me to," he explained.

"How'd you get past the police?"

"What police. There's no one outside."

I looked out the door window. He was right the two policemen standing there before I went to sleep were gone. This doesn't make sense.

Red flag, maybe two, but he seemed genuine enough.

"I guess you can stay. But like I said I'm not to fond of fanboys."

"Don't worry, I'm not a fanboy. I'm only here as friend."

He stayed here for a while and we talked. Eventually I slowly let my guard down. He seemed alright, a bit bubbly. I guess it was nice to talk to someone and pretending was normal, even just for a moment.

He left kinda late. I couldn't go back to sleep, not after that dream. So I stayed awake for awhile. I just laied there starring at the emtpy ceiling, thinking about that dream, trying to get the images out of my head.

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