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Iwaizumi pov
After a long day of work i decide to reward myself. So i go into a random gay club really wanting to get laid. I was fine for both positions so whatever guy just give him my way.
There were strippers at this club so most of my focus was on them. One came out by the name 'Alien' and damn he had an amazing body and a pretty face. He caught me staring at him and he smirked making his way down to me. The music was load but i could still hear the gasps. I've been to this club before and people were saying that 'Alien' would never get of stage. Well here is 'Alien' making his way to me of all people. He stood right in front of me and sat on my lap and started grinding. He was giving me a lap dance that i would never forget. Eventually whispered in my ear 'come to the back i'll help your buddy down here' i was lost for words so i just nodded. But before he got up he said 'tell them your looking for Tooru' as he finished he left. My eyes instinctively follow after him.

I stood up going to the back and doing as he said. The people looked at me in shock. Was it that strange for this Tooru to have someone. I make my way to the room labeled 'Alien'. I finally enter the room and there he was. 

'What your name handsome?' He said

'Hajeme, can i call you Tooru?' 

'Call me what ever you want, lets start'

He pulls me into a kiss. We both feel each other out, I was surprised that he felt more ripped than he looked. We began undressing each other.
I don't think Tooru was expecting me to suck his ass, but I did. I quickly stretch him out with my fingers. Finally, I stuck my dick inside of him. His was tight, it was like he was sucking me inside of him. I began trusting, he told me to go faster and I did. We both cummed and I pulled out. 

'That was amazing' i said

'I can say you were the best I've had in a while' he said


'Oh, here I have to pay you right?' I say

'Oh, that's okay I just thought you were cute. You don't need to pay me'

'No, no I'm going to pay you. How does $60 sound'

'Wow, no that's too much'

'Keep it'

I start wearing my clothes.
'Where the hell did you even get this much money?'

'I'm the CEO of a company'

'Oh, but I feel bad keeping this much money for a one night stand'

'Well just keep it alright?'

I leave the building and head home for the night.


[Time skip to day and at the office]
Iwaizumi pov

Today was my yearly check up on my employees and this was my first stop. The infamous floor with Oikawa. I haven't really met this Oikawa. I reach his desk and...

'Uh hello' i say
We were both shocked to see each other.

'May I talk to you Oikawa-san'
We quickly get out of range from peoples vision.

'I was not expecting to see you so soon' he said

'Same here, my fault for using my name not my surname yesterday' i say

'So I work for you... Good to know'

'Haha yeah...'

'Oh god we need head back before people get suspicious' he said

'Oh yeah, our jobs... Hmmm... How about on your break you come to my office to talk about this situation?'

'Why would I need to talk about it'

'Because technically you need to inform your boss if you have another job'

'Oh, haha I'm not in trouble for not telling you I'm a stripper.'

'Well no, but you still had to inform about you having another job'

'Right... Sorry. I'll be going now'

'Wait before you leave *pulls for a kiss* I just wanted to do that.'

'*blushes* hehe, see at lunch'

'Yeah... See you'


[time skip]

Oikawa pov

*enters office*

'hi'i say

'hey' he says

'ok first i appreciate if you don't say anything about me being gay'

'that's ok, i'm not the one who spread that roomer'(cant spell sorry)

'wait what roomer?'

'the roomer that you're gay'

'wait! There's a roomer that i'm gay'

'You didn't know? every body has been saying the boss is gay'

'is it that obvious? that i'm gay?'

'You're more obvious than me'

'haha thanks for telling me'

'So... What about this job and my second job?'

'Oh yeah... i'm not saying its wrong to be a stripper, its still a job. i just need you to fill these paper saying you have another job. you don't even need to write where you work.'

'oh thanks' *writing information out*

'is there a reason for you to be a stripper?'

'huh? what?'

'well i just want to know, is it a money problem?'

'well... that's k_kinda personal'

'Oh sorry, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable'

'here i'm done filling the papers'


'So, Hajeme Iwaizumi what are we?'

'well i'd like to get to know you, you interest me. And maybe date you'

'i'd like that'



'why Alien?'

'Oh my stripper name, its just cause i love aliens and space, it was that or milk bread as my name'

'haha milk bread?'

'yeah doesn't really sound like a stripper name'

'it doesn't'

'Your not going to say anything about me believing in aliens?'

'my favorite creature is Godzilla i have no were to judge' 

'Godzilla really?'


*beep beep*

'Whats that?'

'Alarm for me to get back to work'


'don't worry i arrange for you to have a private show later at my house'

'oh~ when did you have the time to arrange that?'

'i have my ways'

'okay then, see you tonight *kiss* bye'


i leave his office with a big smile on my face.


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