The Dark Network of Etemon

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I thank TKNRKRGaim, KTH4life and Black Cat Angel (wherever she disappeared to) for helping me. Digimon belongs to Toei, not me.

The Dark Network of Etemon

Five days passed surprisingly quickly for the team. It was nice to get a break from all the fighting the gang had, simply getting the chance to relax in the fresh air. In fact, there was nothing to do but relax and sleep on Whamon. Though at the moment, Tai was the only one awake.

"We left File Island almost five days ago," he noted.

"We're almost there," Whamon called out.

Tai took out his telescope and saw just over the horizon were... rocks.

"Hey, I think I see an iceberg. Either that, or it could be the continent of Server!" Tai called out.

"It's Server," Whamon smiled, speeding up.

"Alright! Woohoo!" Tai cheered as he started jumping up and down, "Alright everybody, wake up! Rise and shine! We're landing at Server!"

"I was only resting my eyes," Matt drowsily muttered.

"Well, your eyes were snoring pretty loudly," Joe quipped.

"Come on!" Tai shouted as he was shaking the shoulders of Sora and HG, "We're gonna be there in a few minutes! We've gotta make sure we have everything we need!"

HG woke up just behind Sora, rubbing her eyes as they struggled to get up for a moment.

"Wait, what's goin' on, Tai?" HG asked.

"We've arrived! Well, we're about to," Tai informed.

"We're really there?" Sora gawked.

"Well, I'm ready for land again!" Izzy smiled.

"I'd sure like a bed that didn't move," TK admitted.

"That's good. I needed some land so I could kiss the ground again," HG smiled before looking embarrassed, "Not that I actually do that."

"Wow, that island's huge!" Agumon gawked.

"I've never seen an island so big!" Biyomon added.

"It's not an island, it's the continent of Server," Tentomon announced.

"Mimi, you've just got to wake up and look at this! We're going to land on a big continent!" Palmon tried to wake the still sleeping Mimi.

"Mm, no, I'm getting a pedicure..." Mimi murmured in her sleep.

"Aw, Mimi,"

Everyone apart from Palmon burst into laughter.

-Twenty minutes later-

"We're almost there!" Biyomon cheered.

"Server, here we come!" TK smiled.

Later, the group were next to or on a rock out cropping by the sea, with Tai being on dry land with Agumon, Matt, TK and Sora as HG, Joe and Izzy were behind them, looking to Mimi on Whamon.

"Come on, Mimi," Sora encouraged.

"Um, this is a little too extreme sports for me. Is there some way I could be airlifted onto the island?" Mimi asked, clearly worried.

"Are you kidding, Mimi? That's just impossible," HG facepalmed.

"Sorry we can't just move the continent for you, Mimi," Izzy replied, "Now, according to the map, this is the best beach to come ashore."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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