The Legend of The Digidestined

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I thank TKNRKRGaim, KTH4life and Black Cat Angel for helping me. Digimon belongs to Toei, not me.

The Legend of The Digidestined

Later on the ice...

"Any sign of land yet?" HG asked.

"Nope..." Tai sighed.

"Not much. All we see are icebergs," Agumon pointed out.

"I'm so hungry, I could eat a fish, right about now..." Gabumon sighed, stomach rumbling.

"I'm so hungry, I could have a Deermon, right about now..." Liollmon groaned.

"A Deermon? What's that?"

"I don't know, Gabumon... I just made that up, but- gosh, I wanna eat something..."

"Me too..."

Gabumon and Liollmon sighed in response.

"Maybe I could go for some rice and noodles..." HG muttered.

"I would too, but not my mom's cooking... Bleh!" Tai reacted.

"I wish we still had some food that Frigimon gave us."

"Yeah, such a wonderful guy we've ever met..." Liollmon added.

Suddenly, there were some bushes that they could see up ahead.

"Hey! Isn't that land?" HG called out.

"And aren't those berries?!" Tai gawked, somehow spotting the fruit from where they were.

"Finally! Food!" Gabumon and Liollmon cheered.

When they landed and looked closely...

"Uh- those berries don't look like they're real, but-" Matt started, looking hesitant.

"They're GOLDEN!" Gabumon gasped.

"I think my mouth is watering..." Liollmon smiled, almost drooling as HG picked one berry up and examined it.

"Hmm... Do you guys think these are edible?" HG checked, "I don't think they are, in my opinion."

"They sure are, to me!" Agumon smiled as Gabumon and Liollmon started chowing down.

"Are you guys sure we're allowed to eat those?" Tai asked.

"I guess we could-" Matt shrugged before they heard a scream, the group turning to see that it came from a place with large colorful cubes stacked to the sky.

"What's with those large colored cubes?!" Liollmon wondered.

"I don't know, but I think we need to Digivolve and see what's going on!" Gabumon realized.

"Let's do it!" Agumon shouted.

"Agumon digivolve to... Greymon!"

"Gabumon digivolve to... Garurumon!"

"Liollmon digivolve to... Liamon!"

Matt and HG quickly got on the backs of Garurumon and Liamon.

"Let's roll!" Tai ordered.

"Right!" Matt and HG nodded as they got closer to the cubes, feeling the ground start to get bouncy.

"Look, over there!" HG shouted, pointing out Leomon standing near a familiar boy like he was about to kill the boy.

"Is that-" Matt started before taking a good look and let out a gasp, "TK!" At long last, he found his little brother and he was ok! What a relief, unfortunately, that overgrown lion was going to maul TK! Not on his watch!

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