Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker

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I thank TKNRKRGaim, KTH4life and Black Cat Angel for helping me. Digimon belongs to Toei, not me.

Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker

"We passed this place before," Sora pointed out.

"You mean we've walked around the whole planet?" Joe gawked.

"That just can't be. I can't walk that far, can I? I'm so tired!" Mimi whined.

Mimi stopped for a rest followed by Gomamon and TK. Gomamon was panting and crawling like he was out of water.

"My feet are hot," TK complained.

"Looks like we're taking a break," Matt figured.

"Well, it's not like we have some place to be," Sora shrugged.

"I guess you're right. There's no reason to hurry," Tai agreed as HG sunk to her knees.

"I'd keep going if I wasn't so hot," she panted, exhausted.

"Come on, come on!" Izzy muttered, trying to work on his computer, "Aw man, still no good." His computer was the one thing he could count on. Without it... without it... he'd have to (shudder) socialize. Sure Izzy was familiar with a few kids in the group, but they didn't get him. He's not the athletic type and he clearly would rather stay in his room and conduct theories, search through the internet for knowledge, crack codes in the system, etc. The sun's radiant wave doesn't bode well to his battery. Please don't leave, sweet beautiful device.

"Check out Izzy! I bet he's trying to email the aliens," Matt joked.

"I bet he's asking them to beam him up," Tai added as Izzy just got another issue with the laptop.

"Darn, it's still not working, and the warranty expired," Izzy groaned.

"Hey, I know how to get it working," Tai suggested, grabbing the laptop as he began smacking it, "You just gotta give it a couple subtle adjustments."

"Hey! Stop that!" Izzy snapped, swiping his laptop back, "Are your brain cells malfunctioning!?" Why couldn't Tai understand how expensive his laptop was? His parents would ground him until he went to his dream university, or until he gets a well paying career.

"What's the deal, Izzy? It's just a dumb computer."

"Too bad your brain isn't as big as your hair," Sora mocked, "Maybe Izzy doesn't want smudges and dents on his computer."

"Huh?" Tai responded with a huff, "Hey, look! Do you guys see that smoke over there? I'll check it out!"

"Wait for me, Tai!" Agumon called out.

"The attention span of a gnat," Joe sighed.

"Ah, whatever," Matt shrugged.

"We got graphics, we got sound. Beautiful! Up and running!" Izzy smiled as his laptop finally turned on, but his smile flipped when he saw the icon in the corner, "But it indicates the battery needs recharging..."

"Hey, everybody! Get over here!" Tai called out.


"We're coming, Tai!" Sora cried out as everyone soon ran towards Tai before they saw a factory building over the horizon with smoke stacks, metal paneling, and large fuel tanks.

"Looks like some kind of factory," Joe realized.

"Let's hope they can manufacture a way for us to get home," Matt added.

"And let's hope they have some air conditioning," HG added.

"I wonder what they make in there," Joe pondered aloud.

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