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I thank TKNRKRGaim, and Black Cat Angel for helping me. Digimon belongs to Toei, not me.


The group was later seen standing on a cliff, overlooking the sea. Tai is standing at the edge, thinking.

'We've almost searched the whole island, and we still haven't found any people. Just some monsters with attitude. But they couldn't beat our digimon friends who could turn into these awesome fighters! Like when Agumon digivolved into Greymon and kicked Shellmon to the curb. He was so cool!' Tai thought to himself as he looked out at sea before turning to Agumon, "Yo, Agumon!"

"What's up, Tai?" the small dino asked.

"I like it when you're Greymon. No offense, but why don't you just stay that way?"

"I can't."


"But even superheroes need a rest."

Tai flinched in response to that, but was saved by Agumon snagging his shirt with his claw before he fell over the cliff, the other kids laughing at this moment.

"You know, I was wondering. If Agumon could digivolve like that, can you all do that too?" HG asked the other Digimon, all nodding and giving various confirming words before they heard a roar, turning to see what was behind them.

The source turned out to be a large grey monster as it crashed through a wall of rock.

"Who's that digimon?" Izzy asked.

"It's a Monochromon. But don't worry about him - he's a laid back Digimon," Tentomon assured, though the Monochromon still roared, "Although, it is wise to be a bit cautious with a Monochromon. They do tend to get a bit miffed when they're hungry."

"Then he must be starving, cause he looks really mad!" Tai figured as the beast got closer.

"And I think he wants to eat us!" Mimi panicked until they heard another loud roar come from behind them, and the group turned to see another Monochromon coming toward them.

"There are two of them!" Matt gawked, "We're caught between a rock and two sets of teeth!"

The kids quickly ran behind a nearby boulder, and the two Monochromon clashed, locking horns and smashing rocks around them.

"Something must have set those Monochromon off," Tai figured.

"They're fighting over territory," Tentomon informed.

"They can just have it then!" Palmon scoffed before running off.

"Hey! Don't leave without me!" Mimi cried out as she and the others followed.

"They definitely don't need us hanging around!" Tai affirmed as the Monochromon continued fighting brutally with each other, the group trying to run to safety as TK tripped and cried out as he fell to the ground, but was helped up by Matt.

"TK, come on!" Matt responded.

"Better hurry up you guys!" Tai hollered.

"Kay, we're coming!" TK replied, getting up and rushing after Tai, Matt having stopped a moment out of shock before moving on after, no one aware that the Monochromon by that point tumbled off the edge of the cliff and splashed into the sea.

"Is everyone alright?" HG checked.

The others just nodded and confirmed this.

Later on, the kids and their Digimon were walking through a forest with road signs posted at odd angles throughout the underbrush.

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