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"you know why you've been called here, haven't you, akabane-san?" principal asano asks kijiko, who keeps a blank face as she's sitting in the chair across from him.

"yes, i've nearly killed a teacher." she states nonchalantly, almost as if it didn't bother her.

it didn't. he called her stupid.

"you don't seem to have any remorse for that?" the prinipal stares at the young girl, analyzing her every move. well, every move that she doesn't make. she was completely stiff, but not in a nervous type of way. she was still as to not give any type of body language away to the sinister man in front of her.

"i'm not. he implied that i was stupid." kijiko narrows her eyes slightly at her superior, and he takes note of the slight chill that spreads throughout the room. "i'm not stupid."

"of course not, we've all been informed of you condition akabane-san. although, we do not permit this type of violence in this school." he tries to reason with her, wanting to take control of the situation.

"what if it was an e-class student? would it be okay then?" kijiko challenges, noticing the man in the back tense slightly. asano's eyes narrow at her, taking the challenge without hesitation.

"they need to learn a certain lesson.. that they're-"

"trash? well, might wanna watch your language, pal. i'm about to be one of them. what makes you think that is you say the wrong thing right now, that i won't go crying to mommy and daddy about how mean the principal of my school is." she glares at the man, taking pride in her victory when he just sits back and beckons the man in the back to come forward.

"i'm karasuma from the ministry of defense.."


"huh.. so not only do i get to kill a teacher without consequences, i also get to see nagisa?" kijiko questions the black haired man, who nods in slight confusion. "sweet."

"you know nagisa-kun?" he questions out of pure curiosity, and she smiles widely and nods.

"yeah! we've known each other since first year! we met in a comic store when he was checking out the newest sonic ninja comic at that time. oh! did you know that they're making a movie of that? to bad it's in english... it would've been cool to watch."

karasuma watches the soon to be student with a small sweat drop. he knew of her non existent attention span, but seeing it in person? dang that's something else.

"oh! and there was this cool gold coin i found.."


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