Part 17

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Charlie's pov
The bus was just across the road from our house so the walk wasn't long despite time having slowed down a considerate amount. The seconds seemed to last for hours and my movements where as slow as ever. I don't know if it was the excitement of seeing Forest, the anticipation of what's happened to him or the fear of dads consequences but I feel on edge and upset. There's a feeling in my gut that I can't explain as anything more than the feeling you get before you throw up. Only I know I'm not going to throw up. That's not the problem, maybe I'm ill. Maybe I'm just anxious. Maybe both.

Finally we all reach the bus stop. I take a minute to look at all of us; we're definitely looking like the people parents would tell their kids not to trust. We look like drug dealers, heck, even kidnappers. We're all stood with our hoods up and heads low with our hands swaying lossy at our sides. Dexton moves to me and leans his head on my shoulder. He's shaking and I know Dex doesn't get cold. He must me scared too. Not that I'm sacred. No it's totally okay.

Forest should be staying just a half an hour walk from here in an old house. We used to live there before she married dad and it was a horrible place. The walls where old and the house always smelt horrid and half the time we were stuck in our room, yes room, because mum was 'busy' but all in all it wasn't a bad house. We had a kitchen and an office room, two bathrooms and a living room as well as a backyard. Mum yelled at us a lot. Mainly because we yelled at Forest but we yelled at Forest because mum was a bitch. Mum was a bitch because...well you get the point.

"Charlie. I have a bad feeling. I don't think we should be doing this." His voice is shaking almost as much as he is. While I trust him and I also don't particularly want to be here, we're doing it for a good reason. A really good reason. We probably could have done this at a more reasonable hour I'll admit but it was the heat of the moment and we where all a tad loopy with emotions running high and with little to no sleep. Okay maybe we should've thought about this before acting. As long as we take things slow and careful everything should be fine, no one will get hurt.

"Hey, Guys." Teegan on the other hand doesn't sound nervous at all. He sounds confused and almost exited. How much did he have to drink? Both me and Dexton turn to him and follow his line of sight to an alleyway with trash bags in it. He really must be drunk. I look back at Teegan who has a glisten in his eyes and a smile on his face, maybe he isn't drunk, he's just mad. Dexton then just releases himself from me and begins running towards the ally. Maybe there all mad. Or if I'm not acting like them then I'm mad. Am I mad? Sean seems to be confused too, looking between me and Teegan trying to figure out what's going on.

I watch as Teegan hesitantly follows  Charlie and Sean walks backwards towards me. He looks just as confused as to why our brothers are walking towards an alleyway. Both brothers are now crouched down at the entrance and seemingly talking to something. What have I got myself into?

"There crazy right? You didn't see anything in the ally did you? We should have monitored how much they drank" Sean sounds almost amused but also worried. I personally am not amused by any of this. I think they might seriously be injured in the head or something, what the hell is going on?

"Should we call someone? I mean there talking to an ally...that's not normal right?" I get a simple nod from Sean as we both make our way over to our seemingly mad brothers. If we take to long we'll miss the next bus

Forests pov
I don't know how I ended up opposite dads house. I must have walked a few days ago but everything seems a blur. Except for now, for some reason everything's clear and I can think again. I'm going back home. Surely there was huge mistake during the hearing and I can go back to my brothers. It's very dark right now, in fact I can hardly see anything other than a bus stop underneath a street light. I wait a bit finding these bin bags rather comfortable. I wait a while before I see four figures walk out of dads house. There hooded and walking slouched with their heads looking at the ground. Are they robbers? Should I call someone? Call someone, that's funny. Call them on what?

Slowly the figures approach the bus stop but I still can't make out who they are. One of them, the smallest, moves over to the largest and rests his head on the largest shoulder, as he does this another figure looks directly at me. His face, it's Teegan! Does he see me? Can he recognize me? I'm gonna cry, I'm actually crying. That means the others are Sean, Charlie and Dexton! Teegan and Dex begin moving over to me, I can't move. I'm weak and tired plus there coming over to me, why should I have to move?

Heads up, a girlfriend will be added to this story. If any of you guys have ideas about her like her race, hair, personality or anything like that let me know

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