Chapter 8

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Dexton, teegan, Sean, Charlie

Teegan pov
My nose was bleeding and I don't know here I am. Im in some park but I have no idea which they all look the same; trees, grass and annoying brats. This is ridiculous I'd know even know why I ran away. It's my house Dexton, Charlie and forest with there damned mother. I mean sure Dexton and Charlie are nice and funny and forest can be cute but there invaders. Me, dad and Sean we're doing fine, dad got a girlfriend so he would treat us more because he didn't feel like he was paying enough attention to us.

Then all of a sudden he brings home 3 more kids and a bitch who thinks she can dump all her problems on our family. I just want it to go back to normal with just me dad and Sean. Maybe even mum. I want so much more than I can ever get.

The sun shone through the trees as the sound of chirping birds slowly died down. I dont know how long I'm planning of staying out here but I got to get home at some point. Or maybe I'll wait until they come and get me. No. It's not there job to come and get me. Fine I'll go home but I'm not talking to any of them or dad. I'll just go to my room and mess on my phone.

The walk back to the house wasn't far or long but I wish it had been. I don't want to go back yet but I have no where else to be. The park slowly disappears and my house comes into view. I don't actually have to go home yet. I could just wait a little longer.

My feet weren't boating my mind as I continued the walk to my door. I let my hand open it as I slouched into the kitchen. I couldn't see dad anywhere. I could hear Dexton playing
His  music and while Sean, forest and Charlie must be in their rooms. I don't know where dad is. Maybe he went out looking for me. Or maybe he's just in the shower.

After grabbing some orange juice I storm upstairs determined to keep my angry emotion clear to my brother and the other three. I open my bedroom door and am happy to see no ones in there. Finally peace.

Forests pov
No ones saying anything. Sean and Charlie have decided to come to my room and chill in here but they haven't said a word to me or each other. I don't know if this is a comfortable silence or an awkward silence. Should I talk? No. I should never talk. I've been told many times my voice is annoying and squeaky.

Sean is sitting, or more or less laying" on my bed texting someone on his phone. He didn't look to comfortable with his arms up in the air hardly supporting his phone. Then Charlie was sat on my desk chair looking slightly lost for what to do. I'm sitting on the floor just by the door staring into space. It was almost silent except for Dextons music playing obnoxiously loud. It's not to bad either.

Just then Sean's ringtone echoed through the room and he got up and left. I couldn't here his conversation through the door which is fine. I don't want to be seen as an eavesdropper as well as annoying.

"Forest. Earth to forest"

"Yea?" Charlie looked unhappily down at me. He's sitting across the room but he was still looking down at me.

"We aren't gonna leave the twins completely I'll make sure of that. Well still see them. Dad'l have part custody. We ain't gonna leave em' completely" I could see him look slightly desperately as if I was going to reassure him the same but I don't know how. I'd never been taught to help people with personal problems. That's why at my old school no one liked me. They said I was blunt. But I do try. I try really hard.

"Y-Yea I know we'll see them again. Dads our dad. There not gonna take him of us." That went pretty well but the level of uncertainty might of given it away.

"Thanks kiddo"

Sean re-entered the room and silently sat back down on my bed.

"You took your time. Who was it?" Charlie wasn't usually theirs talkative with the twins. They get along fine and all but there not really one for conversationalists.

"It finished ages ago just seemed you two were talking so I waited" did he listen to our conversation?

"That's nice" we fell back into silence.

A nock on the door flooded the room with relief. I think we were all worried about having the fill the silence we had all created.

"Boys, just thought I'd let you know the court hearing is in a week. And it's school tomorrow make sure your ready. I love you"

A chorus if I love yous comes through as bothe Charlie and Sean leave my room

I'm saying this on each of my story's, sorry for the slow updates I just have a lot to work on right now.

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