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Leorio POV

"Great! Now he's gone again!" Killua threw his hands in the air and stomped to the couch.

"What if we don't see him again?" Gon looked up at me.

I was so dizzy.

I could hardly understand what was going on around me.

Kurapika just left, right?

How long again was that?

Just now?

"Leorio?" Gon said, snapping me out of my trance.

"Wha-? Oh, sorry bud." I guided him to the couch. He sat down next to Killua, resting his head on the other boys shoulder. Killua blushed and looked away.

"What are we going to do?" Gon whispered.

"More like, what is Leorio going to do?" Killua sighed. I sat on the floor rubbing my temples. So much had just happened I could hardly process it all.

"You got yourself into this mess. Now only you can fix it." Killua whispered, Gon had closed his eyes, somewhat falling asleep on Killua.

"How do I even fix this?! Even if I leave right now, who's to say he won't already be on a plane? I don't know where he is going to once he even gets on one!" I rested my head in my hands.

"Get dressed, get in your car and go. It won't hurt to try." Killua pulled a blanket onto Gon.

"It's too late he-"

"Leorio. You love him right?"

I picked my head up, my mouth fell open slightly. After a couple seconds I nodded.

"Go to him. You're running out of time."

I immediately took his advice.

Kurapika POV

I finally made it to the airport. I had walked there since it wasn't too far from Leorio's apartment. I had prepaid tickets for my flight but I could easily refund and buy sooner ones.

I kept my head down, walking briskly through the crowd. I wanted to get as far away from here as I could.

If I hadn't run away.

I bit my lip and shook my head, walking faster to my gate. I could feel people staring at me but I didn't care.

Leorio wouldn't have raised his voice if I wasn't so naive.

You're so stupid Kurapika.



"Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" I gripped my head and screamed at myself. The thoughts were too loud. My anxiety heightened when I saw everyone looking at me.

"I need to refund my tickets and get the soonest flight I can." I slammed my hand down on the desk of the gatekeeper.

"Sir I don't know-"

"JUST DO IT!" I shoved my tickets at her. My body shaking violently.

The gatekeeper squeaked and immediately began typing on her computer fast.

"Your flight will be in t-ten minutes s-sir!" She ducked her head and shakily gave me my tickets.

I aggressively took them and began pacing in the waiting area.

Do you really want to do this?

"Yes." I spoke softly to myself.

Running away from your problems. Tsk.

I shook my head, my anxiety was too high and it was making me physically sick.

The voices in my head were too loud.

Always telling me that I wasn't enough.

I looked up at the clock. My flight was boarding now. I got into the line, I was one of the last people. I held my arms to my stomach as I walked up to the gate opening.

This was it.

Who knows when I'll see him next.

Will he even care?

Biting my lip, I began to cross the gate.

Here we go.

I closed my eyes taking a step-


My heart stopped.

I whipped my head around, in the crowd of people walking to and fro a tall man in a blue suit with circle glasses that hung too low on his nose was waving his arms for me.

I gasped, gripping my chest, grabbing the railing for support.

"KURAPIKA!" He yelled, pushing past people to get to me. The people around us grew quiet, the whole room watching us two.

I was elevated onto the platform, he stared up at me gasping for air. He had flowers in his hand.

"Kurapika, I know I fucked up, what I did was unforgivable, but I'm pleading you do! I can't live without you!" Tears started to roll down his face.

"You mean everything to me! I can't even begin to imagine my life without you, that's why I was so scared today! You are my world Pika!"

Tears started to form in my eyes as he got down on one knee.

"I know this is fast, a desperate attempt, but I can't let you leave without asking!" He put one hand on his chest and held the other hand out with the flowers, looking up at me.

"Kurapika..if you could find it in your heart to forgive and love me again.."

I covered my mouth with my hands as a smile formed on my tear soaked face.

"..will you take me as your official boyfriend?"

I pushed past everyone, running faster than I ever had before towards Leorio. He opened his arms and I gladly fell into them, us both collapsing onto the ground. He laughed and I sobbed. The people around us cheering and clapping.

He kissed every part of my face he could as I cried tears of joy and relief onto his suit. He was so warm~

"I got you these as an apology gift..they are yellow and blue like you!" He stood us both up, handing the flowers to me. Little yellow daisy's and blue hydrangeas. I smiled up at him.

"They're beautiful Leorio."

He rubbed the back of his neck and grinned, but soon gasping.

"Oh! This was for after you said yes!" He reached into his briefcase that he must've carried here, pulling out a single red rose.

"It matches your eyes." He chuckled and handed it to me. I began to giggle. I wrapped my arms around him once again, breathing in his fresh scent. He must've gotten cleaned up just for me.

"So..this is goodbye I guess." He whispered into my ear, people began going back to their regular schedules.

"I suppose it is..we will see each other again soon though..right?" I gripped onto him tighter, my voice becoming more pained.

"Until I see you again, I will lie awake only thinking of you." He kissed my cheek and picked me up. He began to carry me to the gate.

"Promise?" I kissed his cheek back.

"I promise." He set me down in front of the opening.

He always said that, he always promised me.

He never lied about it.

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