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Leorio POV

"Do you think he's ok?" I stood up, rubbing the back of my head as Kurapika closed the door. He seemed really worked up and I couldn't quite figure out why.

"Probably not." Killua chugged his chocolate milk. "He got upset after you said it was our last night together." He placed the cup down and stood up.

My eyes widened as I realized what he must've been feeling.

He was already emotional over his other insecurities and emotional health, he wasn't exactly the most stable person. The idea of leaving could send him over the edge.

"Shit!" I grabbed my keys and phone, sprinting to the door.

"Killua, grab Gon, we are going after him."

Killua quickly ran to the sleeping Gon, picking him up as he was still wrapped in the blanket, gently carrying him to the car.

We all got into the car in less than thirty seconds, Killua had Gon cradled on his lap, still asleep. Of course I woke him up after screaming multiple...

Choice words.

"Leorio~?" Gon rubbed his eyes, looking at me. He had his head rested up against Killua's shoulder, Killua in question was a deep shade of magenta.

"We are getting Kurapika. I hate to tell you guys this but-" I swerved past another car, scanning the area for the short blonde.

"-Kurapika isn't doing so great. He is very..sad..and we have to help him." I tried to make it less dark than it actually was, but they were both smart.

Gon's face immediately filled with fear as he crawled of Killua's lap and towards the window. He rolled it down and started calling for Kurapika. Killua did the same.

I drove for at least two hours. He was no where in sight. There was no way he could've gotten this far. I bit my lip to stop any tears from falling, I didn't want to worry the others.

Thirty more minutes.

I looked out my side window to see the bridge. My stomach dropped.

He couldn't have...

I swerved the car around and took off towards the bridge. It was so high, if he had jumped the impact of hitting the water could have knocked him unconscious if he didn't have any defenses up.

Gon started to cry.

"Did he jump off it?! I'll go jump and get him if I have to!" He began to panic and try to open the car door, luckily it was locked.

"I don't know Gon. Just s-stay calm." My voice cracked and my vision grew cloudy from my watery eyes.

"He is Kurapika, he is going to be fine." Killua stroked Gon's back with a shaky hand. He wasn't too confident with his words either.

We finally pulled up to the bridge. There was no way we could find his body in time even if he had jumped. Killua trembled outside the car.

"It's pointless! We won't find him here!" He started to cry too. I went to hug him, I had lost all hope. There was no way we would find hi-


I whipped my head over to where Gon was pointing. About a half a mile away there was a small blonde figure slumped against a telephone pole.

I almost passed out from relief.

The three of us raced to the car, I floored it towards him, not even bothering to park correctly.

I practically flew out of the car, sprinting towards him after screaming, tears rolled down my cheeks as I embraced him, kissing his soft lips.

Relief and joy was all I could feel.

His soft body pressing against me was almost intoxicating. Like a warm bed after a long time of being awake.

I couldn't hear anything, I was numb. I rested my head on his stomach as I sunk to my knees. I could feel Killua and Gon latch themselves onto Kurapika, them sinking down with me.

The three of us trembled and cried on Kurapika. He said nothing, just in shock most likely.

But the shock was soon broken by his loud wails.

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