Chapter 10

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Tharn's POV

"Babe. Baby. Wake up." I'm shaking Type gently.  "Wake up."

"If you're trying to wake someone up that's not how you do it. Move." Someone comes up from behind me. I move out of the way. Looking at the guys face for the first time. Shit this is Type's dad. Did he hear what I said earlier? "Type! Get your ass up!" He yells startling not only Type but me too.

"Dad.. What's your problem? Who wakes someone up like that?" Type complains.

"A person who doesn't see a girlfriend in site. Just a guy that is very gently waking up my son. Oh and calls my son babe. So yeah that's how you are going to be woken." Oh yeah he heard.

Type's head snaps to my direction. I mouth a sorry. He nods showing it's okay.

"That's fair. I guess we should explain. So dad, this is my boyfriend Tharn." Type points at me. I smile before I  duck as I saw a fist coming to my face.

"Hello. Good to meet you." I say after standing straight again. I give out my hand for him to shake it. He doesn't take it.

"I have one question then I'll accept you. Maybe." His dad is very intimidating. "Whose the wife?" I look at Type and he shakes his head trying not to laugh. How do I answer this? He's basically asking who bottoms.

"Uhmmmmm. Uhhhh." I can only stutter.

"That's what I was afraid of. Okay then. Let's go inside. Where I will be talking to your mother." Type stops trying and full on laughs.

"Mom is going to love him. What do you think will happen if you tell her?" Type says.

"You're right. She would love this idiot." His dad leads us to the house.

"What just happened?" I asked.

"He doesn't like you, but he doesn't hate you either, just yet." Type smiles.

"Okay. I can work with that. You hated me and look at you now. You love me so much." I tease him a little.

"You know I can tell him to not like you. And he'll listen." My smirk slightly falls.

"You won't do that. You want to live out of the dorms." I tell him.

"So you're saying the only reason I'm dating you is because I want to live off campus. Give me more credit then that. I love you. You know it." Type fakes being offended.

"Of course I know it. I love you too." I sneak in a quick kiss on the lips before his dad noticed.

"I can hear you. Don't try to be sneaky." His dad says out of nowhere.

I try not to laugh and take Type's hand. He fights me a little bit but ends up intertwining our fingers and leaning against me as we walk.

"Mom! I'm home." Type calls out. Letting go of me and going towards where his mom is.

"Hi honey. How are you? Where's your girlfriend?" She says making me go stiff. I know I was told she would probably like me. But it's still a little scary.

"Uh mom this would be Tharn. My boyfriend." Type shocks me because of how confident he is about this. I have never seen him so open about us dating.

"Nice to meet you ma'am." I say and give her my hand to shake.

She doesn't take it which makes me nervous. But then she hugs me. "Call me Mom. No need to make me sound old." She laughs. I release a sigh of relief.

"Thank you ma-mom." I tell her.

"I bet my husband gave you a hard time. I'm sorry." She says.

"It's fine mom. I get it." I go back next to Type.

"See I told you she would love you." Type says.

"Haha. I guess you did." I respond.

"Where's your father?" Mom asks Type.

"Sulking in your guys room. Probably." Type deadpans.

"Okay I'll go talk to him. You guys make yourself comfortable." Mom points at the couch.

After a minute we sit down. Type lays on my lap. His eyes are closed.

"I hope he accepts us." Type's voice tells me he is currently trying not to cry.

That's the first time I've heard him this vulnerable today. I can tell he loves and respects his dad. I can't imagine how he would feel if his dad doesn't support him.

"Type. You were okay not to long ago. You will be okay for now on to forever." I run my fingers through my his hair.

"I know that, but I can't lose you or my dad." Type explains.

"You won't. From what I saw your dad loves you more than anyone else. He wouldn't give that up over something as trivial as you loving me." I try my best to comfort him.

"How would you know?" Type says. I can feel him snuggle more into my lap.

"Because no one can stop loving you. I know I never will." I tell him. "Come on. Sit up." I push him up slightly. He ends up leaning on my shoulder.

"I love you." Type says closing his eyes again. I have never felt so loved. Type hardly ever says it. Now he has said it twice today.

"Type can I talk with Tharn." His dad says after coming to the couch. His dad seemed to be having a hard time saying my name. How can he possibly already hate me? Type said he was indifferent barely even 30 minutes ago.

I get up to follow him. Type stops me by grabbing my sleeve. "Whatever you got to say to him say it in front of me." Type says.

"I was going to pull him away because he might actually answer my questions if he isn't worried about what you think of the answer." Type's dad explains. I now feel worried. What is he going to ask? "Well I kinda guessed about the whole wife thing. So are you guys safe?" I choke, oh God.

"Dad!" Type yells.

"What it's fine if you aren't. As long as neither of you cheats." He looks me dead in the eyes saying it.

"I won't cheat on him." I say answering the thing he really asking.

"How many people have you dated?" Is this going to end anytime soon?

"Dad not that it is any of your business but like 5. Right?" Type turns to me.

"Four it was four." I don't want to look bad. Even if it was off by one.

"Sorry four." Type corrects.

"For how long of a time span." His dad asks.

"5 years. About." I realized that sounds bad. One person a year. Almost.

"So one person per year." His dad says exactly what I am thinking.

"It wasn't Tharn's fault. They all cheated on him." Type explains bluntly causing me to cringe.

"Oh. I'm sorry Tharn. You seem okay." His dad says.

"Thank you sir." I say.

"Call me dad." I smile hearing it, but I'm more happy for Type. It was very obvious that he couldn't go without dad accepting. I'm glad he did. "Let's eat some dinner. Tharn I hope you like spicy food." My face pales at the sentence. "Haha. I'll take that as a no."

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