Chapter 5

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Tyler's POV

I was feeling nervous. I kept pacing at the front door. There were a lot of thoughts passed in my head. What if she doesn't remember me? What if she doesn't even want to go near me anymore? It had been a month since last I saw Maya. I can't help but feel anxious. I heard the sound of a car and I rushed outside the door. It was them. They had arrived. My mother followed behind me to go outside.

I stood nervously at the grand staircases in front of the entrance porch. Kyle slipped out from the driver seat and flashed me a grin before opening the back seat. And there she was. Her big blue eyes gaze at me. A huge smile crept on to my face. She ran towards me and I crouched down while opening my arms.


She screamed before slamming into me. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her tiny body. I hugged her gently and I could feel my tears fall down on my cheeks. I miss her so much that it hurts. She also cried in my embrace. I stroked her hair ever so softly, afraid that she would break.

"I'm here, Maya." I whispered at her, coaxing her.

Kyle walked slowly towards us and I lifted my head up to meet his gaze. It wasn't intense and burning like before but full with warmth and softness. I smiled at him. I lifted Maya on my arms and stood up while she still hugged my neck and buried her head on my shoulder. Suddenly Kyle pulled his right hand from behind him and gave me something. It was a flower. Marigold. My favourite. He then gave me a soft smile. My heart started to pound hard.

"For you," he said softly.

I felt my cheeks hot. I slowly reached out my free hand to take the flower from him. I gave him a shy smile. After he had kissed me that night when he had saved me, I began to have strong feelings towards him. I haven't felt like this after a long time ago.

"Thank you." I thank him shyly. I tried to avoid his gaze because I couldn't take it anymore. If I stared any longer into his eyes, my knees would buckle and that would imply me going down along with Maya on my hold.

"Come on in, Kyle." My mother invited him. I don't know how long she had been there and observing everything but surely I'm not going to hear the end of this. Even if I managed to turn into a beet, she would still tease me.

"Okay Mrs Benington. But, my workers will come here in a few minutes. Just a heads up." Kyle replied. My mother just nodded her head.

"I'll tell Jacob about it later." She said before going inside the house. Kyle gestured to me to go first and I hesitated for a while before he placed his hand on my back and pushed me gently, to walk together side by side with him. The touch sent shivers down my spine. I walked into the house and went to the backyard. I put Maya down on the ground before clasped her tiny hand with mine. 

We walked around the yard while Kyle and my mother went to the other house. I played around with Maya and it was good to hear her giggles again. I miss her giggles so much. I don't want to be separated from her ever again, but I know the harsh reality. She wasn't mine. But, if I get to see her every time Kyle brings her, then I am more than happy.

Twenty minutes later, Kyle's workers came and brought a lot of stuff. They started the renovations right away. After playing around with Maya for awhile, both of us joined my mother who was sitting on the gazebo while supervising the workers. Suddenly Maya tugged my hands gently. I looked towards her before crouching down to her level.

"Tyler, I'm hungry." She whined. I gave her a smile.

"How about we go to the kitchen and make something?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

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