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Eleanor's P.O.V.~

"I can not believe that she said that!" I said furiously pacing around my room.

The moment Eliza left slamming the door to her room, I headed to my room slamming my door just like Eliza and throwing my backpack onto the ground beside the door. Why was she being so rude? She hadn't told me who she liked, and when he ended up liking me it's my fault? 

I hated this. This had been our worst fight, Eliza had said I wasn't her sister. And that truly hurt me. But I couldn't but think about what she had said about being jealous of me. I never thought that she was jealous of me. 

I mean she'd mention a few times that I was way better than her but I thought that those were just friendly compliments. I sighed thinking about how she looked at me. As I thought of it, it did seem like she'd always been jealous of me, and I'd just been too blind to see it. I began to feel so bad and guilty. I mean how had I not notice how she was feeling at all? I was such a horrible person for letting her feel that way. 

I sat up from my bed, looking towards my full body mirror. I needed to change out of my school clothes into something comfortable. So I stood up walking over to my dresser pulling out my light purple silk tank top and shorts. I then slipped off my school clothes throwing them into the laundry hamper before slipping on my pajamas. 

"I hate this," I mumbled thinking about the previous fights Eliza and I had had growing up.

I grabbed my brush brushing out my curls as I continued to think about the past. We used to just insult each other in petty ways, and then laugh it off twenty minutes later. But something felt different about this fight. Like in my gut I knew that this fight wouldn't be resolved easily, and I felt bad about it. I continued to brush my hair as I stood in front of my full body mirror, watching the tears leak from the corner of my eyes. 

I looked at my now bushy hair in the mirror as I grabbed some hair cream beginning to massage it into my hair continued to think about Eliza. How were we ever going to repair our relationship after this fight? It seemed that we'd never get along after this. And to make matters worse this fight had been all because of a boy. 

As I continued to fix my hair, I began to think about Wyatt. I knew that the right thing to do would be to break up with him to repair Eliza and I's relationship. But to be honest, we never had a good relationship, and to ruin my perfect relationship with Wyatt to fix, an always broken one with Eliza sounded dumb. But I knew that it was the right thing to do. 

But how could I possibly do that? I mean Wyatt had told me on countless occasions today that he liked me so much and that he was so happy that I'd agreed to go out with him. And now because of my sister, I'd have to break up with the first guy I really, really liked.

I needed to talk to someone. But I had no idea who. I mean Bucky was always working on something and he was my best friend and the only person that I trusted with these kinds of things. I sighed thinking about my best friend as I put my now perfect curls into a high ponytail.

"Bucky's here to the rescue!" Bucky's voice rang throughout the house as I heard him running up the stairs, as he strutted right into my room. "I brought popcorn, and candy to celebrate you and Wy- What's wrong?" He asked dropping his shopping bags as he ran over to my bed where I'd been sitting tears continuing to fall.

"My sister," I whispered thinking about Eliza and I's fight again. It had been horrible. "We got into a huge fight."

"It's okay Ella, everything will be okay, especially since you're best friend, is here," Bucky said wrapping his arms around me as he put his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you."

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