Chapter One. Nothing can break us down.

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"Tom!" I looked under the couch, there was nothing!

I had taken a little nap before heading out for a photo shoot, I knew Bill was out on a date - which Tom and I couldn't be happier for, he really disserved to be loved the way he was able to love - , and I woke up just in time to gather my things and fix my own makeup to get going. I went to our room and didn't see my phone there, but the notebook in which he kept his songs was gone from the desk so I put the pieces together: Tom was on the small studio next door.

After the boys finished touring Tom and I were pretty serious about being an item, on the way there not much changed but the fact that we were not able to date other people and that we got touchy, so we kept making the other one mad and joking and fooling around and the same sort of stuff we had always done being best friends for about nine or so years now.

We had only decided to move in together a couple of months ago and since I didn't have the heart to take Bill's best mate and twin brother away from him we found a way to move into the house right next to the one the brothers already owned, it had been hard but in the end it was worth it, we spend most of our time going back and forth between Bill's and ours.

I picked up my heavy suitcase filled with cosmetics and allowed the small wheals to help me while Bora, my small French bulldog, jumped at it.

"I'm sorry, girl, I have to go!" I hated leaving my little Bora, but she couldn't come with me to everything like Pumba did with the boys. "Be good!" I said as I opened the crystal door that led to the garden so she could stay there with Tom's bigger dog. I just wanted my Bora to have puppies once to have her spayed; that was the only thing I envied of the guys, they had it so much easier...both dogs and humans.

I left the house and closed; I got my things in the back of my car and walked inside of Bill's place. I went to the studio down the hall and noticed that the red light was not on, so I opened the door quietly to find Tom looking at the computer with the keyboard next to him, he was probably just making some demo. I tried to catch his eyes without scaring him, but he was really focused.

"Tom?" He didn't listen to me, I should have known because he had his big headphones on. I leaned in front of him on the desk and waited for him to look at me, which took him about five seconds, he looked at the clock on his wrist and then back at me before clicking something and taking the headphones off. "Have you seen my phone?" He had a habit of moving things around, I never noticed - unfortunately - until we moved together.

"I put it on your...ah...Tasche, thought you'd forget it on the table." He stretched out on the chair.

"Thanks." I took my phone out from the very bottom of my purse, I didn't look there before. "Sorry to interrupt, keep going." Tom shrugged it off and told me not to worry.

"You're still on for tonight, right?" He turned on the chair just before I walked out. I nodded.

"You said eight, right?" He nodded this time. "Yeah, I think I'll be home by seven."

"I'm moving the reservation for 8:30 then." I gasped and pouted.

"I don't take that long to be ready!"

"You like to think so, but you do." He stretched out his leg as he reached inside his pocket for his phone. "Won't you be late?"

"Won't you be late?" I copied him. "Fine, see you."

"Ah-ah! You're missing one thing." He motioned with his index for me to go back to him.

"Bossy little creep." I muttered as I leaned down to kiss him. "If dad knew how much you boss me around..."

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