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Yo, hedgie squad! I'm back with another quick one shot that I found in my Ipad, and decided to post it here! So, what inspired me to write this is the word 'Legacy.' Hamilton constantly repeated the same word throughout the musical, and he defined it in such a unique way. And I quote "Legacy...what is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see... I wrote some notes at the beginning of a song someone will sing for me," - The World Was Wide Enough; Act Two

That made me think about Sonic. I try not to think of a Hamilton crossover with Sonic, because Hamilton ends up cheating on his wife, and I can't imagine Eliza's pain go to Amy. Although Amy definitely fits the part of Eliza, I just don't want to feel their heartbreak, as that's what fanfiction does to me. I thought:

"Sonic doesn't seem like the type to settle down, but he would need his legacy to be passed on to the future, for any villains that may rise when Sonic passes. What if he asks the woman most dearest to his heart to bear the son of Sonic the Hedgehog?" That's right, folks. The foreplay and aftermath of how his legacy passes on. There is no lemon in this, but rated M for mature themes. If you want the more 'mature' version, I'm currently making it, and it'll be on my Wattpad.

It was a summer night, and a thunderstorm had just passed Amy's humble little cottage in the meadow, the sun peaking out from the dark clouds above. A 26 year old Amy Rose had opened up her curtains, smiling at the sight in front of her. It was Sonic. The sun's rays were shining above his head, creating a halo in her innocent jade eyes. After watching him slowly approach her door, she realized that he was coming to her house.

She opened it to reveal a royal blue hedgehog with long blue quills. He wore a scarf, Amy personally didn't think it was appropriate for the weather they were in. He wasn't the only one to have grown. She wore a mature dress, a little tight, but that's what makes her look like a woman, Rouge told her once. She had also grown her quills out as well. She smiled genuinely, Sonic doing the same. He slowly walked in when Amy moved to the side for him. They stood there, beside the closed door, the windows showing that the sun had become even more brighter. She decided to speak up, seeing as the awkward tension was rising.

      "...Wow, it's not everyday we see the hero of Mobius walk into the abode of his number one fan..." She had hesitated, but Sonic could clearly hear a faint joking tone.

      "I like to think of you as good friend, but if you wanna go along 'number-one fan,' I'm not stopping ya." Sonic could see the miniature glint of sadness appear in her eyes upon being called his best friend, but she covered it up with her cheery demeanor.

      "Just tell me what you're here for?" This time, he heard her mature voice, something age gives you along the path of life. She smirked as she said it, but Sonic was not here to joke. He sighed.

       "I'm here to ask you a very big favor. If you need time to think about it, I'll let you do so. Please, just hear me out." Amy's smug smile had faltered, wondering what he would ask of her.

       "What is it?" She asked, leading him straight to her living room. They both sat down, side-by-side, eye contact never breaking. There was a different type of tension this time. It wasn't awkward, it was the type that raised the mood and emotion within the two people to the point it started to show externally.

     "I'm growing old." Sonic simply stated, wanting to give the message to her slowly, but also fast enough so she could decide what her answer would be. Amy laughed, the tension only staying within Sonic. He couldn't help but smile, the sight of Amy laughing brought a fluttering feeling to his heart, a feeling that only she was able to access.

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