"Do You Even Realize How Much I Love You?!"

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Rated M b/c of cussing, and mentions of sexual activity.

Prompt 25- "Do you realize how much I love you?"

Modern Sonamy oneshot.

Amy was walking home after a long day (of getting kidnapped) and started breaking down. After a few minutes of sobbing, she heard an innocent voice call out to her.

"Ms. Amy? Why are you crying?" Amy looked up to see ten year old Cream, with her chao, Cheese. She changed her outfit to something a little more conservative. She wore an orange sweater dress in the winter, along with black leggings like Amy did. Amy had a similar sweater dress, except it was a turtle-neck, and it was a little tighter around the waist. Amy wiped away her tears and smiled.

"I'm fine, Cream." Her voice cracked. Now Cream definitely knew something was wrong. Amy's sweet, melodious never cracked.

"Stop lying, Ms. Amy. I'm going to call Ms. Rouge, Ms. Blaze, and Ms. Lyra. They'll know what happened." She called the following girls on her phone. She had it in case of emergencies. Clearly this is one.

"Hi, Cream. What do you mean? WHAT?! I'm on my way, Rouge is with me, I'll get Blaze. Just get her home."

"Hi Ms. Lyra. Amy's crying for some reason. I don't know, she just dropped on the floor and started crying. Okay, see you later." Cream ended the call, and helped Amy up, while giving her a hug.


"It's about Sonic, isn't it. That no good, cowardly, piece of-" Rouge's mouth was covered by Blaze because of Cream's presence.

"Cow pie. A stinking poop is what he is!" Cream exclaimed in anger. The girls all agreed at Cream's comment. Amy sniffled.

"W-why?! Why c-can't he l-love m...me?! Is it the way I look?! I can change! I-I'd even dye my hair!" The girls all looked to each other. They all shook their heads.

"Amy...I-We, don't think Sonic's worth it. He keeps breaking your heart, no matter how much you do for him. He's not even considerate. You deserve so much more better than that." Blaze told Amy, as she cried in Blaze's arms.

"B-but, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to fall for anyone else! And Sonic wouldn't allow me to date other people." Rouge looked puzzled. Lyra asked the question that Rouge was thinking.

"What do you mean, Sonic won't let you date other people?" Lyra brought her chair closer. She was sitting in the corner, writing about at least fifty different ways she could kill Sonic for breaking Amy's heart.

"Well, I can't really explain it. Rouge, you know how you set me up on a blind date? Well, I was sitting with him, and suddenly Sonic came out of nowhere, and pulled me out of the cafe. He told me to stay away from other guys. Of course I was upset, so I told him to stop acting all overprotective, I can do whatever the hell I want, and he doesn't listen, he just drops me off back here, and basically patrolled my house for the next few hours while I cried myself to sleep." Amy said, her tears not scared of falling out.

"That little shit!" Rouge yelled. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Oh! It must be my mom." Cream ran to the door, and there stood her mother. She said 'bye' to everyone and left.

"Okay, since I couldn't say this in front of Cream, but, wanna go to the bar? It could get your mind of things!" Rouge literally started begging.

"Fine. I guess that would help. Let's go." Amy was about to get up, but Rouge stopped her.

"You're not going anywhere in that. I brought some outfits, and we're gonna wear them." And with that, Rouge took out four skimpy outfits. Lyra had a poker face.

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