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Kira's POV
When we came home I was still on Kyo's shoulders, but I didn't mind and it looked like he didn't either. When we went inside the living room Yuki and Shigure looked at us shocked, but then Yuki smiled. "You finally did something smart for once cat" he said.

I looked at Kyo confused wondering what he was talking about, and I was waiting for Kyo to say some thing mean to Yuki but I didn't happen. He just muttered, "Whatever" put me down, and left. I guess some people don't change I thought.

I looked at the table and saw no plates on it. Oh I guess they didn't eat dinner yet I thought. I know...I should make it for them, after all it the least I can do for them. "Shigure" I say "I'm going to make some dinner for everyone". "Alright" he said looking kinda surprised that I offered to do that. But he didn't abject because since we all know he can't cook.

I went into the kitchen and got all the ingredients I needed to make some somen. Okay I'm ready I thought I'm sure I can handle this, I mean how hard could it be to make some food.

30 minutes later

I started at the kitchen in horror at what it had become. There was noddles and sauce all over the walls and counter tops, and some how I had managed to burn the rice I was going to serve along with the dish separately. This is a disaster I thought.

Then suddenly a person ran into the room huffing and screaming, "What the hell happened. Rat I thoug-" but he stopped mid sentence when he saw me. "Oh...you're the one who made the mess" he said calmly. I felt a sweat drop roll down my head. How does a person's emotion change so easily I thought.

"You're not mad" I ask. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Not really...I mean you're only what...seven. No surprise you did this. But if it was the rat who did it that would be a whole other story." He said the last part with fists in his hands.

I giggled and said, "Well can you help me clean this mess up, and help with dinner." "Sure" he said. It took us a while to clean everything up and make dinner, but we managed and somehow finished before 8:00 p.m.

I set everything on the table while Kyo washes all the dishes that we used to make the food so we wouldn't have to clean much afterwards. After I finished setting everything up I yelled, "Shigure, Yuki it's time for dinner." In an instant Shigure ran out of his room, and plopped on the floor where the food was at.

I giggled at his antics, and Yuki came down the stairs mumbling something about Shigure being a idiot. Then we all sat down and ate. While we were eating Yuki said, "Wow Kira...I didn't think you could cook something like this, it's amazing."

"Oh...I didn't cook this on my own" I say "Kyo helped me." And as soon as I said that Yuki's face went dark and he immediately threw the food in the garbage. "What the hell did you do that for?" Yelled Kyo. "Why would I eat something you made?". "Now now" I say. "Yuki you didn't have a problem eating the breakfast Kyo made."

"HE MADE THAT" he screamed. "Whatever" said Kyo. "You won't have to worry about eating my food anymore cause Tohru is coming back soon" That immediately caught his attention and he turned to Shigure and me and asked, "Is what this cat say is true." We both nod and a smile fell on his face.

"I'm happy Miss. Honda is coming back, but how?" Oh...yeah I thought I guess we forgot to tell him. Shigure quickly explained to Yuki everything, and let me tell you shocked couldn't even describe what his faced looked like. "So let me get this straight. Kira you are Miss. Honda's daughter, and Kyo's the father."

I nodded and smiled feeling happy that I finally  don't have to lie anymore. "What are you happy about" asked Kyo. "Nothing" I say and then I go back to eating. After I finish I clean my dishes and go upstairs to take a bath. Afterwards I go on my bed and try to fall asleep, but I couldn't.

All I could think about was the fact that soon I'd have a regular family. We'll all be together soon mom I thought and then somehow  I managed to close my eyes and go to sleep.

I know this chapter is a little short, but I didn't know what else to write, so sorry. Well I'll see you in my next chapter. Bye!!!

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