The Breakfast Fiasco

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Tohru's POV
It's been a few days since I've been in this place, and I'm freaking out. But not because of fear that I may die, but instead it's for Kira. What was I thinking sending a seven year old to go find her father. What if she's lost, has no food, or..or. I slapped myself on the cheek.

Come one Tohru don't think about stuff like that. Kira is a smart girl like her father, and I taught her well enough that she can manage this. I just hope she's okay. Then Riley came to my cell with a frightful face, but I showed no fear. Luckily she only came to give me food. She said that she would give me food everyday, but the amount she gave me would slowly decrease by the week.

"Eat up" she said while tossing the food in my cell. I looked away from the food, but as soon as she left I started to eat. Then I went to sleep because I had nothing else to do.

Kira's POV
I woke up, and quickly got dressed in the cat dress Ayame gave me. I put my hair in two pig-tails, and I looked in the mirror and thought I look so kawai. I skipped down the stairs, and was hit by a burning smell. I start to run to the smell and was in sight of Yuki and Shigure in the kitchen with smoke in the air.

"What happened in here" I screamed as I went in the kitchen, took some water, and splashed it on the burnt food. "Well me and Shigure got kinda tired of eating food from outside, so we tried to make some. But as you can see it turned out to be a failure." Said Yuki. And at that same moment Kyo ran into the kitchen like I did. "What in hell is going on" he screamed.

"Yuki and Shigure tried to cook" I say calmly while looking to see if any food was salvaged, sadly there wasn't. "You mutt and dam rat. I thought I told you to never step foot in the kitchen. Whatever....leave I'll make something for everyone." Shigure and Yuki went out the door, but before they actually left Shigure mumbled something about Kyo being feisty today.

Kyo noticed that I was still here and he asked, "What are you still doing here". "I want to help" I say "My mom taught me a thing or two about cooking so a know my way around it. I can make pancakes, eggs, macaroni and cheese; you know the easy stuff." (I don't know any Japanese dishes so please bear with me)

"Okay" he said "How 'bout you make some pancakes for everyone, and I'll make the eggs" I nodded and we started working.

About thirty minutes later

We both finished and I started setting up the table. Yuki was already sitting at the table, and then Shigure came out of his room saying, "Oh my *sniff* what is this beautiful aroma I'm smelling" "It's called food" said Kyo and I giggled. Then we all sat down and started eating.

"So you this is the first time in a while that you're actually eating with us" said Yuki. "Whatever Rat" he says. Why does Kyo call Yuki a rat and Shigure a dog I thought. "Hey Kyo...why do you call them a rat and a dog." After I said that they all looked nervous. Then Shigure said, "It's because Yuki was born the year of the Rat, I was born the year of the dog, and Kyo was born the year of the cat.

My head perked up when I heard cat. "You were born the year of the cat" I screamed in excitement. "It's not that big of a deal" he said but I disagreed and shook my head. "You know your really lucky" I said "I was born the year of the dog" I mumbled. Then Shigure began to say that the year of the dog is also a very prestigious year, but that didn't change my opinion.

"No... the year of the cat is still better" I say while I finish my breakfast. After I finish I get up and go outside to get some fresh air.

Hatori's POV
Ughh I can't believe Shigure expects new to find Tohru on my own. He could have at least helped a little bit. Oh who am I kidding, Shigure wouldn't help a person even if they were begging him. Well I have to do it for Tohru, Kyo, and there daughter Kira. Maybe I should visit her I thought You know to be able to see what Tohru's daughter actually looks like. Then it's decided....tomorrow I will visit them.

Kira's POV
I went outside, and I saw a woman with brown hair and a cat backpack in front of me. "Who are you" she asked. "I'm Kira" I say "I'm living with Shigure for the time being." "Okay" she says "If Kyo home by any chance" I nod and she ran into the house with lightning speed. "What the" I say, and then I hear a scream and I run into the living room.

When I go inside I see the lady hugging Kyo, while Kyo tried to run away. "Who is she" I say out loud. "Ahh... that is our lovely cousin Kagura" said Shigure. " The poor girl is in love with him, but as you can see he doesn't. At times she can be sweet like this, and other times she isn't." I looked at him confused, but not even a second later I heard a crash and saw that Kyo was thrown out the door by that same women.

A sweat drop fell from my forehead, and I quickly ran outside to make sure Kyo was okay. "Kyo...Kyo are you okay" "What does it look like" he mumbles. "Jeez there you go being a jerk again." I say while walking away. Then Kagura came up to me and asked, "What is your relationship with Kyo" "I'm not sure" I say and then I go to help Yuki and Shigure fix the door.

About and few hours later Kagura finally left, and I saw Yuki heading out the door. "Where are you going" "I'm going to my garden" he says. "Can I come" "Sure". We go deep into the forest, and soon we find a garden. "So what do you make here" I ask. "Um...I make chives, tomato's, strawberries, etc. I just need some help planting some more plants." "You got it" I say and I start helping him.

1 hour later

Me and Yuki finished, and we are walking back to the house now. Once we reached it I say Goodnight to Yuki, take a shower, and then go to sleep.

The Cat's Daughter (A Fruits Basket fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now