Hatori, Kira, and Hiro's visit

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Hatori's POV
I was about 10 o'clock, and I decided to go to Shigure's house to see Kira. I had to bring Kisa and Hiro along because their mothers still don't trust them to be alone together. "Uncle Hatori...where are we going" asks Kisa. "We're going to Shigure's house" I say. Her face beamed with excitement, but then it turned into a frown.

Hiro started to comfort her, and I start to feel sad for her. It was hard for Kisa to move on after Tohru left, I mean she considered her as her big sister. The only reason why she was able to get through it was because of Hiro. If it wasn't for him, I don't know what would have happened to her.

We all soon reached the house, and I rang the doorbell. A few seconds later a petite little girl with orange hair opened the door. She must be Kira I thought. "Who are you" she asked. "We are one of the few of Shigure, Yuki, and Kyo's cousins." "There are more of you" she screamed. "Yes" I say.

"Who the hell are you" says Hiro in a rude manner while Kisa hits him on the arm for saying that. Wait a minute I thought Even thought she's Tohru's daughter, she's also Kyo's. This ain't gonna go well at all.

Kira's POV
We were all eating breakfast again, and then the door bell rang. I told Shigure I'd get it, and I went. When I opened the door I was met with two men and a women. "Who are you" I ask. Then one of the men said that they are Shigure, Yuki, and Kyo's cousins. Then the other boy asked me who I was in a very rude way. And I was not going to take it.

"Huh....Why do I have to tell you? Is there a law saying I have to; plus your not the boss of me." "What a brat" he mutter, but I just kept talking smack. "You know I really hate people who lose their cool for dumb things like that. Like... are you a grown man, or a ten year old." Then I walked away from them with their faces dumbfounded.

I guess Shigure, Yuki, and Kyo were listing because then Kyo and Shigure started bursting out in laughter, while Yuki continued to eat. "Ha.. that's what you get Hiro. This is what we had to go through with you so payback" Said Kyo. "Yes" said Shigure "Plus it was quite amusing to watch you get your butt handed to by a 7-year old."

"She's only 7" he yelled, and everyone started laughing after that. "Well never mind that; Hatori, Hiro, and Kisa why don't you all come in." Said Shigure while wiping a tear from his eyes. We all sat down, and Shigure introduced me to everyone. The man named Hiro still kept glaring daggers at me, but I just stuck my tongue out at him, and went to get three plates of food for them.

"Thank you" said Hatori while I handed him a plate. "Thanks" said Kisa, but when I handed one the Hiro he said nothing which cause Kisa to hit him. But I didn't care, I didn't need his thanks. "So Haa-San what are you doing in my humble home." "I came to see Kira" he said "And to also talk to her about some things privately."

I nodded and I led him into my room, and closed to door so no one could hear us. "So what did you want to talk about" I ask. He bent down so he could reach my level and said, "Shigure told me about your situation, and I'm doing everything I can to find your mother. Thought I did wish Shigure would help me. I contacted the police and they said they would call my when she was found. So I wanted to ask if you had any idea who your mother's kidnapper might be."

"Well before my mother was kidnapped she wrote me a letter, and it said that she was kidnapped by a gang called the Ravens. Supposedly she was my grandma's biggest rival and they wanted revenge." "Mhm....thank you. That information will be very useful for finding Tohru. Well that was all" he said and then we went back into the living room.

"What did you guys talk about" asked Yuki as we waved goodbye to then. "Yeah" asked Kyo. "It's nothing important" I say "He just wanted to give me a checkup" I say even though I know they don't buy it. I hate having to keep lying to them, but I won't have to for much longer.

Then we all went inside and did our own things. Shigure went into his room to do some business, Kyo went to the roof, Yuki went to his garden, and I went to my room to write everything that happened in my journal.

The Cat's Daughter (A Fruits Basket fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora