Finding Out the Truth (Part 2)

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Kira's POV
I ran out the house, and went towards            Shi-shou's dojo. It was the only other place I knew I would be safe. When I got there he was very surprised, especially since I had just left his place after my lessons had finished.

"My...Kira what are you doing here." He asked.
"Well-" but before I continued I stopped, and he gave me a confused look. What do I do?, do I tell him what happened. But my promised to mom....Whatever so already broke it by telling Kyo. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I told Shi-Shou.

I quickly told him everything that happened when I got home, from the beginning to the end. "I see" he said while sighing. "Well you're more that happy to stay here till Kyo comes back for you." Come back for me I thought That wouldn't happen, he hates me right now. "What do you mean master. Right now Kyo hates me."

He chuckled and said, "Kira...Kyo could never hate you; sure he may get made at times, but he would never hate someone he loves so much. Especially since you are his daughter. Well never mind that..... come inside and make yourself home." He moved away so I could go inside and I gladly took it. Maybe I was wrong I though while smiling.

Kyo's POV
I sat on the roof sulking at what just happened. How could I be such a fool I thought. First I made Tohru leave, and now Kira. Not to mention I yelled at her, a little girl. But not just any girl, she is my daughter. I ruffled my hair in annoyance, but I stopped when I heard footsteps climbing up the ladder to the roof.

I half hoped that it was Kira, but half of me knew that she wouldn't come back here so easily, and I was right. The person climbing the ladder was no other than the rat. "What are you doing here" I ask not turning away so I didn't have to look at him. "Where's Kira" he asked sternly. "She left" I said. "WHAT" he screamed "Why didn't you go after her."

I shrugged my shoulder full well of the reason why I didn't follow her. I just didn't want to explain myself, especially to him. "You really are dumb aren't you" he muttered. I jerked my head in his direction and yelled, "Don't call me dumb, you don't know how hard it's been for me. My whole life I've been rejected, and one of the only few people accepted me left."

"Then don't make the same mistake" he says calmly. "If you don't want to feel that same sadness as you did before then I suggest you go find Kira before you loose the only thing you have left." Then he gets up and walks towards the ladder to leave, but before he did he turned his head to me and said, "I hope you make the right choice cat; not for mine but for your sake" and then he leave.

Who the hell does he think he is coming here and lecturing me I think Well he isn't wrong though. I can't make the same mistake twice. I already lost Tohru, but I won't loose Kira; I have to find her. I get up and jump off the roof determined to find Kira. But where would she be I thought. Then it came to me.

The only other places she knows other than here is Ayame's shop, and master's dojo. I'll pretty sure she would be at the dojo since she loves master so much. I start running to the dojo praying that she'd be there.

Several minutes later

I finally reached the dojo, and I ran inside. When I went inside I was met with Master. "Hello Kyo" he says " I presume you came here for Kira." "Where *huff* is *huff* she" I ask frantically. "She's in your old room; the one you used before you left. I would suggest being quite when going there because she said she was going to take a nap"

I nodded and quietly when up the stairs to my old room. I walked into the room and saw her sleeping just as master said she was. I looked at her and saw that her hand were pointing upwards, and that she had a weird face. I laughed seeing her look like that.

Then she mumbled, "Dad...please don't leave. Mommy....needs help" "Don't worry Kira I won't leave you" I whisper "And I promise you we will find Tohru, and she'll come back to the both of us safe." "You mean it" she says know fully awake. "What" I say "You're away."

"I woke up as soon as you came into the house; you're not very quiet you know" she says while getting up from the bed. "So did you actually mean what you said" "Of course I did. And I'm sorry about what happened at home, I shouldn't have forced it out of you." "It fine" she says "Plus you had the right to know." "Let's go home" I say and she nods.

We both walked down the stairs to only be met with master. "Thank you for letting me stay here Shi-shou" said Kira and master replied by saying, "No need to thank me Kira; you are welcomed here anytime. Now must take better care of Kira; she is your daughter after all." "Right" I say and Kira just chuckled at me because I was getting lectured.

"Bye Shi-shou" says Kira as we're walking away from the building. Well we were walking I couldn't help but still feel guilty for what I did. "Kira" I say "Yes" she responds. I bend down to her level and say, "Look...I know that I haven't been with you for your whole childhood, but I promise you from know on I will be the best father you could ever ask for."

She doesn't give me a response, but instead she jumps on me and hugs me. "I know you will" she says, and that's all I needed to hear. Then I hoisted her on my shoulders and she looked shocked. "Kyo what are you doing." I felt a little sad that she didn't call me dad, but that's to expect; she probably doesn't feel comfortable calling me that yet.

"You better hold on tight Kira" I say and then I run as fast as I could. She held onto my shoulders tightly so she wouldn't fall, but not too tight that it would hurt me. Then we both went back home.

I just want to thank the people who are reading this story. I was actually thinking about stopping it because I didn't know whether people would actually read it or not, so I posted the chapters I had already finished writing to see if anyone would read it. Since some people are reading it I will continue the story

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