Chapter 26

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*Luke's P.O.V*

I cradled the cold boy the best I could, holding him to me tightly as though scared I might lose him. He was already stirring and showing signs of regaining consciousness any minute. I'd never done this before. I'd never changed anyone. Calum had changed me, along with many others, so it wasn't as hard for him to bite Michael. He didn't understand how hard it is to hurt someone that you care about so much. And I doubt he ever will.

Ashton woke up looking scared and disorientated, just like he was before. But his nerves quickly calmed when we first made eye contact.

"Am I-"

Yes." I snapped, helping him to his feet. He stumbled and clutched his head, whimpering in pain as he fell weakly back into my arms.

"Don't worry," I said reassuringly to him, "it will take a while for you to regain all your strength and get used to, well, the new you. For now, just try to stay calm."

He nodded as I scooped him up and carried him carefully out of the room. But the situation outside was worse than I had thought it would be, Ashton having distracted me for a seemingly long time. The crowd were panicking, running in all directions and trembling with fear as the rumours were passed on from one person to the next.

"Alex knows where they are."

"There's so many of them compared to us."

"We're all gonna die."

Words circled around until Calum made his way to the centre and everyone fell immediately into silence, waiting for news. But his answer was short and told everyone everything they wanted to know.

"It's time."

~ (I keep skipping time sorry)

We walked slowly and in no particular formation, me at the front leading the hundreds that were behind me gradually forward. Our side consisted of Alex and all of the people from the tunnel, in front of them was Jake and his friends who had escaped from the night club and come to find us, and then Calum and then the newly-turned vampires Michael and Ashton just behind me.

At the last possible opportunity, I turned around and faced everyone who had come. Come for me. I knew that many of the vampires before me would fall today, protecting themselves and all those that they love. However I knew we had to win no matter what the cost. But I didn't think I could live with myself if so many of these innocent people died.

As I went to turn to face the front once again, my eyes caught Ashton's, who blushed slightly and looked down. Just as beautiful as ever. That boy would never know how much he meant to me, he bought out the human in me just as I thought it had gone completely, and he made a cold-blooded and stone-hearted monster fall in love. That would never not be worth fighting for.

"Ah, how nice that you arranged a welcoming party for us," said an unfamiliar voice as my head snapped round and I staggered back in shock. Before me stood thousands, all dressed in long, flowing black capes. Their presence made me shiver. So many.

"Luke Hemmings I presume?" Said a man as he stepped forward, "I've heard a lot about you."

"H-how do you know my name?"

He laughed. "Everyone knows who you are, the famous chosen one. Chosen to destroy us, isn't that funny. Well I'm afraid that we can't let you do that."

"Isn't that a shame, I thought you'd give up easily," I heard Calum say sarcastically behind me, but the crowd in front of me didn't look at all impressed.

The man who had stepped forward before continued to speak. "My name is Marcellus, and I am the head of the vampire council. Victor has told me all about you. But you, Luke, I have waited a long time to kill you."

I could sense Ashton flinch behind me, and I turned around to tell him not to, but he had already started moving towards them quickly. Looking angry. "If you want to kill Luke you have to go through me!" He yelled, continuing to advance forward.

Both Michael and Calum tried to grab him, but he pushed them away with such force that they went flying backwards. Ashton looked slightly frightened by what he could do, that was the first time he had discovered any of his new abilities. I stood there, completely fazed by him, that I didn't fully realise what he was doing until he brushed up against my arm but still didn't stop.

"Well this is just too easy," chuckled Marcellus, moving his hand into the open and raising it slowly towards Ashton, who didn't seem to understand what was about to happen.

My legs were moving before I even had the chance to think. "Ashton!" I yelled, "get down! Now!"

The brunet boy turned around to face me, frowning in a questioning way. He did it innocently, searching for answers, but while his back was turned it left him vulnerable and wide open for attack.

I kept on running, surprisingly at normal speed, but Ashton still seemed so far away. Marcellus stood there smiling evilly, his hand still raised at a confused Ashton. I wasn't going to make it. Ashton was going to die. It was going to all be my fault.

I wasn't sure what happened next.

I pulled at Ashton's hand and he fell to the floor as a bright light filled my eyes. An unbearable pain swept through my body and I screamed in agony as my insides felt as though they were being torn apart.

This was it.

This was the day I die.


A/n: basically Luke got hit instead of Ashton and I'm sad :(

There's only a few more chapters of this left and I got really excited so I updated again yay

And I know I said like absolutely ages ago that this wasn't going to be based on anything, I had a twilight movie marathon recently and idk I guess it inspired me a lot so sorry if it's turning out a little like that

Anyway thank you for reading (and I loved all your comments on the last chapter so thanks to all you who did that too) :D xx

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