Chapter 5

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*Ashton's P.O.V*

I shielded my face with my hand as I stumbled away from the medical room, surprised to find the corridors mostly empty except for a few strays and late students. Despite not recognising any of them, I yanked my hood up over my head to cover my injuries the best I could, determined that no one would see me this way. Thankfully the school nurse had rung my mum and I was being sent home for the remainder of the day.

The thing was, I knew they'd all recognise me. There hadn't been such a serious fighting incident in the school for several weeks now, and the news was likely to have spread throughout the student body like lightening. I wondered whether Luke had stayed or gone, and though about how he could be anywhere right now.

Having him come to apologise for me getting hurt was surprising to say the least, I guess there was more to Luke Hemmings than I first thought.

I kept my head down and eyes fixed on the floor as I passed through the main building, walking by several full classrooms. Ignoring the looks I received from them was the only way to make it through. When I eventually made it to the office, I found my mum perched on the edge of a plastic chair, and used my few free moments to collect my thoughts.

As she looked up and we first made eye contact, I stood rigid and braced myself for her reaction.

"Oh my poor baby," she murmured softly, rushing over to me and wrapping her arms around my torso. "I was so worried when the school called me and said you had been hurt, how did this happen? Did you fall? Please tell me you weren't in a fight young man."

"Mum I'm fine, stop worrying!" I laughed, almost immediately worried that it had sounded too false. My breaths were a little uneven and I was surprised at how steady my voice was, seeing how tightly I was being embraced. Pushing her away from me to ease my discomfort, I adjusted my hood to guarantee it was covering the majority of my face, aware that she hadn't actually seen the damage yet.

I should've known better than to assume my mum stupid, when she was anything but. Catching on, her glare sharpened, and I squirmed at the harshness in her eyes. "Take down your hood."

"Mum, I-"

"Now," she said firmly, frustrated at my reluctance. It wasn't like I didn't know how bad my face looked. Of course I couldn't hide it from her forever, but I still stayed fixed in my position on the other side of the room. My mother would overreact like she always does, and I wasn't quite prepared for it yet.

The two of us now stood directly opposite to one another, no more than a few metres apart. The room was empty as the receptionist had left moments before to search for some paperwork, leaving us in silence. She was waiting for me to obey her order and take down my hood, and I was waiting for her to leave it be and take me home. I knew perfectly well that my mum had never been one to back down and give in, and although I usually was, this time I wasn't going down without a fight.

I heard the office door creak open behind me, presumably the receptionist returning, but my eyes remained glued on my mother, whose eyes stayed glued on me. Never before had I seen her act like this, I'd always been grateful for how laid back she was as a parent, yet here she was attempting to control my life.

Although unsure as to what triggered to it, I suddenly remembered from 10 or so minutes ago that the floor was slippery, but I remembered too late. The receptionist squealed as her foot slipped on the water beneath her, sending her tumbling forwards. She smacked straight into me, knocking me forwards and I collapsed to my knees.

The pain was incomparable to what I had endured earlier, but I still struggled to escape from underneath the woman and climb shakily to my feet. As I registered what had happened, my eyes widened and I fumbled for my hood, which only now did I realise had fallen down. But I failed to get it back up before my mum had had a good look, and her facial expression said everything.

"Come on," she spoke through gritted teeth, her voice filled with bitterness. Never once did she then look at my revealed face again, before grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the exit. "We're going."

My mother pulled me away from the building and into the car park, me not daring to protest. I climbed into our car, flinching as the door was slammed shut behind me and bringing my knees up to my chest. Wiping my face with my sleeve, I removed it seconds later to find it damp with tears, and never before did I think I had as much right to cry as I did now. The moisture tracked down my cheeks, somehow reigniting flames and sending a burning sensation back through my face.

Knowing I couldn't hide it anyway and feeling I deserved the release, I leant forward and sobbed into my hoodie. I had little clue as to whether I should be regretful or thankful for today's events, standing up for Luke didn't seem so good in the short term but maybe it would help in the future. Help what, however, I was still greatly unsure of. There was only one thing I knew for certain, something I didn't fully understand but had perhaps been trying too hard to deny.

I wanted to be friends with Luke Hemmings.


A/n: I was supposed to post this yesterday but forgot whoops sorry about that

So I thought I saw a unicorn yesterday, but my 9 year old sister rolled her eyes and told me it was a donkey, thought I would share that with you all since it gives you a bit of an insight into my life

Also I wanted to say please don't be afraid to comment/vote etc and you can also message me if you want, I'd love to talk to some of you :)

Thanks for reading xx

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