Chapter 5 Comfort from My Enemy

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Though the last chapter was in Momoko's POV throughout the entire thing, this chapter will be in both Momoko's and Brick's POV, they will both be transformed in the whole chapter. Also this chapter will mostly be in Brick's POV because it was Momoko's POV the entire last chapter. I'm guessing it'll be only them until the end of this chapter.... Well anyway I hope you like it!! It might be a little weird at first but I'll explain what happened before they got to the forest

Brick's POV

School wasn't that tough like we all thought it would be. I thought it was pretty easy, but of course I am the smartest of the group, just like Blossom. Butch is the toughest of course, the same as his counterpart, Buttercup. Butch is also the most perverted one in both groups. Boomer is the kindest and the silliest. He can make almost anyone laugh when they're in a certain mood. I'm guessing it's the same with Bubbles though she is also the sweetest girl you could ever meet. Except when she's fighting, then she becomes one of the toughest..... That's very surprising to be in fact.

Though after a certain thing happened at school today, I was pretty mad. Boomer couldn't make me laugh or at least smile, which he usually does when I'm mad. Though, of course, I didn't talk to anyone. Not my brothers, not my new friends, not the teachers, not even Momoko who've I've come to like after our encounter in the hallway yesterday. After school, I rushed outside not waiting for anyone. I quickly transformed while no one was around and flew to the forest. All while still very angry.

I landed and just started to punch trees, trying to release the anger from my mind. Bark and splinters flew everywhere as I just kept punching the poor tree. I swear I'm tougher than Butch now, which is nearly impossible. After about thirty minutes, I had bloodily hands and still anger flowing in my mind. I ignored the pain and the blood. I hope my brothers or anyone else don't find me until I've calmed down. I sit down as I covered my face with my hat. I don't know why I did that because no one was around. I needed to punch some trees. The pain in my hands still hasn't gone down, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything right now.

My fist was inches away from the tree trunk when I hear a noise. Suddenly instincts kick in and I get in a fighting position, but then I realize that the sound I was hearing was not something coming near me. It was the sound of a person crying. Now I know I'm suppose to be evil and not care for anyone but I just can't help it this time. Quietly as I can possibly be, I head towards the sound of crying. When I get near the source of the crying I see a sight that I never thought I see.

Blossom crying. She's curled up, hugging her legs as she sits under a tree. Her head is down so she can't see me. I should run away, tease her, fight her, or whatever villains do, but I don't. Instead I do the exact opposite. She doesn't even hear me until I'm right in front of her, kneeling down and saying her name.

"Blossom?" She freezes as she hears my voice. She doesn't look up, but she stopped crying. "Blossom, are you ok?" Those words slip my mouth before I could even think. I shouldn't care about her. I shouldn't be concern about her. I shouldn't even be here talking to her. But I am. She finally looks up at me. Her pink colored eyes are filled with tears. She tries holding them back but they're still running down her face.

"What are you doing here, Brick?" She asks as she wipes her tears away, but she's still crying. She doesn't notice my hands yet... Not wanting her to see them in put them in my jacket pockets. I do all that I can from not hissing in pain. I'm still kneeling in front of her while she's still curled up like a little ball. She finally stop crying, just a little bit though.

"Doesn't really matter." I say a bit harsher that I mean it to. "Why are you crying, Pinks?" I ask, trying to make her forget how harsh that I sounded as I said those other words. Maybe I shouldn't have asked that. Her eyes finally leave mine as the tears start flowing again. She stares at the ground, trying her best not to cry.

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