Chapter 3 The New boys

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This chapter, as i promised, is dedicated to blossom5656! This chapter will start in Brick's POV, though the setting will be when the boys are at home and their Mama, AKA Mojo Jojo, tells them that they're going to school. Hope y'all like it!!!! The picture above is the RRBs except in this story they're a bit older! I can't believe that I got over a hundred reads on this book! That is the most reads I've ever gotten on one of my stories before! Awesome! Thanks for reading my story guys!! Hope y'all like this chapter!! Oh and I say the word "y'all" because I live in the south and that's just how we say things so don't be surprised if I use it a lot.

Brick's POV

"Brick, Butch, Boomer!!!" Our monkey "mama" yells from downstairs. I groan, not wanting to get up. I rub my eyes as I sit up. My red hair falls over my eyes. It's gotten longer over the years and now it reaches my shoulders. I kind of like it this way, though it reminds me of my counterpart, Blossom. I get anger just by thinking about her, about what she did. First she nearly killed my brother, Boomer, the first time we fought. Then the last time, she threw a glass bottle at me and it cut me. I touch the scar, remembering how it got there.

(I've already did the flashback from Blossom's POV)

Yeah, she looked shocked and hurt when she realized what she did, but I'm pretty sure she faked it. Thought I got her back, it still makes me angry by thinking about her and what she did. My hands are starting to ball up in fists, I better stop thinking about that stinkpuff. I slowly get dressed to keep my thoughts off of her. I don't why, but it helps. I wear my usual outfit: jeans, a red shirt, and my black and red hat. Of course the hat is backwards, it always is. I walk out of my bedroom to see Butch and Boomer already ready to go. "Mama" decided it would be a good time to get us educated since we weren't all that smart.

A few years ago we were about three years younger then The PowerPuff Girls, our mortal enemies and our counterparts. Now we're only a few days older then them thanks to Mama's new machine.
Grabbing a piece of toast, we're out the door in seconds all while saying goodbye to Mama. After a few minutes of walking in silence, Boomer is the one who speaks first.

"Are y'all nervous?" Of course he's nervous, he's just like his counterpart, Bubbles. They're both the kind, sweet, and the youngest out of both group. Bubbles and Boomer are also shy and they get nervous easy.

"No" Butch replies, giving a short and emotionless answer. He doesn't really talk much since we last fought the girls. I really don't know why, but he is. He's still the toughest one out of all of us, just like Buttercup, his counterpart.

"I guess I'm a bit nervous, I mean what if we see those stinkypuffs?" My remark gets a chuckle from Butch and a smile from Boomer. That's what we call the girls. Though we haven't used it in awhile. I can tell Boomer kind of misses his counterpart, but Butch and I are glad they're out of our lives. Butch used to get beaten up by Buttercup bad. She's the only one who could beat him and I could tell she hates his guts for flipping her skirt the first time we met.

When we first met, we didn't have any powers but that all changed a month later. We got our very own powers. We even got our own weapons. I got a frisbee, Butch got a flute, and Boomer got a bat. We were very excited to try them out, but the PowerPuffs beat us before we got the chance to use them. After about a year, we had our big fight and we disappeared for two to three years. Now we're back, smarter and stronger than before.

We finally got the the building that they call a school. Two stories and lots of classrooms. I wouldnt be surprised if we got lost in there. As usual, the new students had to go to the office to get there schedules, so we went there first. Luckily the office was near the front doors, otherwise we would have never have found it. The halls are empty so I assume that it's lunchtime or everyone is in class. We arrived at school a bit late... Oh who am I kidding? We arrived at the school about four hours late because we didn't know where it was. We got help from this cop who at first thought we were skipping class, but once we explained our story he drove us to school.

"I'm guessing you're the new students?" Said a nice looking lady. She must be the principle. We all nodded in response. "I'm Mrs. Hutchinson, the principle. Here are your schedules and everyone's at lunch right now so just head to the cafeteria, please." She handed us the schedules and pushed us out of the office, not harshly if I might add.

"Wow, she must not like kids very much..." Boomer mumbled. Butch shrugged as always.

"Yeah, come on. Let's go eat." I start walking towards the noise I hear. It sounds like a bunch of people talking.

"Brick! Wait up!" Boomer yells after me. He can be such a slowpoke at times. Butch of course catches up to me right away. He's always been pretty fast. I'm about to tell Boomer to hurry up when I suddenly end up on the ground. I'm up in a flash. I look down to see a red-headed girl on the floor. Her eyes are closed and she's rubbing her head. Boomer has already caught up to Butch and I. He's staring at something but my eyes are on the girl that I bumped in to. Butch seems to be staring at something as well.
"I'm sorry! I didn't see where I was going!" I extend a hand to her, quickly apologizing, as she opens her eyes. Pink eyes and red hair... She seems familiar.... But where have I seen her before? She doesn't take my hand right away, but when she does I pull her up.

"I'm sorry as well. I was also not watching where I was going." She says with a slight smile. "I'm Momoko. These are my friends, Miyako is the blond one and Kaoru is the one wearing green." She points to her friends. The one named Miyako has these blond curly pigtails and these blue outfit on. She seems like a perfect match of Boomer. The one named Kaoru has short hair and looks a bit tomboyish. She looks like a very good match for Butch. I wonder if she could even beat him in a match. I turn to Butch, seeing that he's glaring at Kaoru. Possible even mind challenging her because of the way they're both staring at each other. Boomer seems to be occupied by staring at the floor, obviously shy. Miyako seems to be doing the same.

"I'm Aki and these are my brothers, Aoi and Akio." I say pointing to them as well. Momoko has a look of confusion on her face. I bet she's wondering why Boomer's name is blue and I guess my brothers are too. I don't want these girls to know who we really are because they might have heard of us.

Momoko's POV

His brother's name is blue? That's a bit weird. But oh well at least Aki apologized. Kaoru is glaring at Akio who seems to be doing the same and Miyako is staring at the floor, being her shy self. They all look so familiar but how? And why? I try to remember but all I can remember is hate... Why hate??

Why does Momoko feel hate towards Aki??? He seems like a nice guy, right??? When will the girls figure out who the boys are??? When will the boys figure out who the girls are??? Who will find out first??? So many questions, so little time. I hope this chapter is good! Thank you guys for reading my story! I'm so glad I got over a hundred reads!! Thank you guys sooooo much!!! 😊 please comment and like this story if you really do love it!! I'll update soon!! Bye guys!!!

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