A Lack Thereof

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A brilliant mind like Obi-Wan Kenobi's did not have to ponder long to figure out where Vader might have taken his wife and children.

Especially knowing Anakin Skywalker like the brother he had been.

Vader was possessive, jealous in his love for Padme.  He would not imprison her - well, the locking up element was a different story - in some obscure part of the galaxy, some random planet on the Outer Rim.

No, she would be right where Vader felt she belonged: with him.

And there lay Vader's greatest weakness.

As brilliant as a military strategic he was, he was irrational when it came to his wife.  The only issue now was finding Vader's location . . . and managing to infiltrate said location.

Obi-Wan reached for a button on the console of his ship, activating the holoprojector.

"Senator Organa," he greeted respectfully. 

Bail Organa was still in prime condition, a middle aged man of supreme health and fitness- yet it was obvious from his appearance what an effect the birth of the Empire had had on him.  Though his hair was still a jet black, wrinkles on his olive skin yet to be truly formed, his features were haggard, tired.  A heaviness seemed to weigh on his broad shoulders, making him appear older than he was, deep stress creases ingrained on his forehead mimicking age lines.  But the most noticeable were his eyes, drawn with a grim sadness of a struggling hope banished and close to death.  No, the time had not been kind to Bail Organa- especially as one of the founding leaders of the Rebel Alliance.

At the sound of Obi-Wan's voice, however, a warm light diffused over the his gaze, his shoulders settling back almost in relief.  Bail gave a discreet nod, in confirmation that the call was indeed blocked from listeners.  "Obi-Wan," he said, his expression much eased.  "Breha and I were beginning to be worried, after you and Padme had not been in contact for over six months.  Vader seems to be on a mad rampage, going after whole cities and planets, wiping out quite a few of our allies and supporters.  Of course, with the propaganda - in the Senate, especially - we could not be sure it was not a hunt for the two of you."

"I am sorry about that.  We switched locations and dropped all communication when the major raids and attacks started, in an attempt to keep a low profile with Vader everywhere on his little excursions.  I figured it would be best to keep Padme from her work and contact with the Rebellion, as an extra precaution with Vader so attentive to its activity.  Still, Vader . . . " he rubbed a hand over his eyes, his head lowered in guilty defeat.  "Vader found her, and-"

"No!" Bail stared, horrified.  "Padme has fallen into Vader's clutches?"

"She- and the children.  That's why I need your help, Bail, the Alliance's help.  I believe Padme to be with Vader, but I cannot be sure of his exact whereab-"

"You need his location," Bail supplied, smiling slightly.  "I can give you that."  He pulled a datapad from his vest, scrolling quickly, a slow frown of bemusement coming to his features as he read on.  "Yes, I do believe she is with him- she must be keeping him busy or he would not be so unusually dormant."  He raised a slow eyebrow.  "The Alliance has tracked his last known activity as on Tatooine, a few days ago.  He must be in the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, or on his personal flagship."

Obi-Wan shook his head promptly.  "He would not bring Padme to Palpatine; the latter would undoubtedly kill her, as her presence with Vader would intefere with the Emperor's control over his apprentice."

Bail scoffed.  "You cannot believe there is any weakness left in that monster.  Surely he only took her for the purpose of punishment and possession of what he believes belongs to him.  Even she would not be able to sway him; he has nothing left inside him to be able to feel anything for her anymore."

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